Posted On: Nov 21, 2017

NOTE: This Quick Start is no longer available. See for our latest Quick Start catalog.

This Quick Start builds an enterprise-class security and analytics environment on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud, using the Palo Alto Networks VM-Series next-generation firewall, Splunk Enterprise, and the Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk, along with complementary services from AWS. 

These technologies help protect your workloads from cyberattacks and provide visibility, analytics, and reporting across cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments. 

The Palo Alto Networks VM-Series next-generation firewall complements AWS security groups and web application firewalls by classifying and controlling application traffic on AWS based on the application identity, and then applying threat prevention policies to block known and unknown cyberthreats. Splunk Enterprise provides security visibility by capturing and analyzing logs from the Palo Alto firewall using the Palo Alto Networks App for Splunk. 

The deployment and configuration tasks are automated by AWS CloudFormation templates that you can customize during launch. The Quick Start includes a guide with step-by-step deployment and configuration instructions.  

To get started, use these resources:

About Quick Starts
Quick Starts are automated reference deployments for key workloads on the AWS Cloud. Each Quick Start launches, configures, and runs the AWS compute, network, storage, and other services required to deploy a specific workload on AWS, using AWS best practices for security and availability. This is the latest in a set of AWS customer-ready solutions, which are ready-to-deploy reference architectures and best practices that address specific use cases or business processes. The Quick Start was created by Palo Alto Networks and Splunk in partnership with AWS.