Posted On: Dec 5, 2017

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now supports running Windows Server containers for production workloads. 

Previously, Windows containers were supported by Amazon ECS as a public beta.

Now, Amazon ECS provides an ECS-Optimized Windows Server Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which is based on the EC2 Windows Server 2016 AMI and includes Docker 17.06 Enterprise Edition and the ECS Agent 1.16. This AMI provides improved instance and container launch time performance. The ECS Agent runs as a Windows Service, which provides an improved ECS Agent lifecycle management experience.

Additionally, Amazon ECS now supports Windows containers Memory and CPU limit(s) enforcement, including Amazon CloudWatch Memory and CPU utilization and reservation metrics at the service and cluster-level.

To start using ECS for Windows containers, click “Create Cluster” in the ECS Management Console and choose EC2 — Windows.

For more information on managing Windows containers with Amazon ECS see the documentation. You can learn more about Amazon ECS here.

Amazon ECS support for Windows containers is available in US East (Ohio), US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), Canada (Central), Asia Pacific (Seoul), Asia Pacific (Singapore), Asia Pacific (Sydney), Asia Pacific (Tokyo), EU (Frankfurt), EU (Ireland), and EU (London) regions. For more information on AWS regions and service, see our Global Region Table.