Posted On: Feb 14, 2020

Today we are announcing general availability of Multi-Attach on Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) volumes. You can now enable Multi-Attach on Amazon EBS Provisioned IOPS io1 volumes to allow a single volume to be concurrently attached to up to sixteen AWS Nitro System-based Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances within the same Availability Zone. Each attached instance has full read and write permission to the shared volume. For applications that manage storage consistency from multiple writers, Multi-Attach makes it easier to achieve higher application availability.

Teradata, a cloud analytics company, can now use shared storage architecture in AWS to enable higher application availability of their Teradata Vantage cloud analytics platform with EBS Multi-Attach enabled volumes. “Our engineering team has been working closely with the Amazon EBS team to use the new EBS Multi-Attach feature,” says Sanjay Kumar, VP of Cloud Engineering at Teradata. “This feature will allow Teradata to increase the resiliency, availability, and reliability of Teradata Vantage delivered as-a-service on AWS. The Multi-Attach feature will benefit the majority of our AWS sites today, saving the customer 65-70% in recovery time, which ultimately leads to better customer experience and improved SLAs for our customers’ mission-critical workloads across a wide range of use cases and industry segments.”

There is no additional charge for this feature. To learn more, see the AWS News Blog post and technical documentation on EBS Multi-Attach. This feature is now available through the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), AWS SDKs, or the AWS console in the following commercial regions: US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), Europe (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Seoul).