Posted On: Nov 30, 2021

AWS Microservice Extractor for .NET simplifies the process of re-architecting applications into smaller code projects. Modernize and transform your .NET applications with an assistive tool that analyzes source code and runtime metrics to create a visual representation of your application and its dependencies. This tool delivers a holistic visualization of an applications source code, helps code refactoring and assists in extraction of the codebase into separate code projects that teams can develop, build, and operate independently to improve agility, uptime, and scalability.

Microservice Extractor for .NET assists your application modernization efforts with:

  • Faster identification of applications components to re-factor into service architecture: Microservice Extractor combines data from code analysis and runtime profiling to produce a visualization showing each component's dependencies and metrics. This simplifies the need to manually correlate outputs of various tools for code and runtime analysis.
  • Facilitates refactoring so that you can apply Domain-Driven Design principles: Microservice Extractor helps you adopt industry best practices such as Domain Driven Design by enabling you to label the visualized graph to associate code with business processes. It highlights dependencies that need to be refactored to be able to extract parts of the application into separate code projects.
  • Assisted refactoring of monolith codebases into smaller code projects: After refactoring the monolithic application to prepare it for extraction as independent code projects, this tool can be used to partition source code into units that teams may develop, build, deploy and operate as independent services with their choice of tools.

Learn more on our product page and in the documentation, and download today to start modernizing your .NET applications with AWS today.