Posted On: Feb 13, 2023

Today, AWS announces the availability of AWS Modular Data Center (MDC) to the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD). AWS MDC makes it easy for DoD agencies to deploy modular data centers managed by AWS in infrastructure-limited locations. AWS MDC is available as a self-contained modular data center unit: an environmentally controlled physical enclosure that can host racks of AWS Outposts or AWS Snow Family devices. AWS MDC can scale further through the deployment of additional units. Customers can proactively monitor and manage their modular data centers using the management system available with every unit. Customers also have the option to use satellite communications for network connectivity.

AWS MDC lets DoD agencies run low-latency applications in infrastructure-limited environments for scenarios like large-scale military operations, crisis response, and security cooperation. AWS MDC allows customers to use familiar AWS services, APIs, and tools in these edge locations. AWS MDC converts data centers from fixed infrastructure, which is difficult to build and manage, to a service that is straightforward, scalable, and responsive to temporary compute and storage needs.

AWS MDC is available in the AWS GovCloud (US-East) and AWS GovCloud (US-West) Regions. At this time, this service can only be purchased by DoD agencies under the Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) contract.

To learn more, read the AWS Public Sector Blog post.