Follow the step-by-step instructions below to clean up your project resources. Click on each step number to expand the section.

  • Step 1. Delete your Amazon S3 bucket

    Complete the following steps to delete your Amazon S3 bucket by using the Amazon S3 console.
    1. Open the Amazon S3 console at
    2. In the Bucket name list, select the check box next to the name of the bucket that you created for this project. If the list contains many Amazon S3 buckets, type the name of the bucket in the search box to find it.
    3. If a pane that displays the settings for Properties, Permissions, and Management settings displays, choose the X icon in the upper right of the pane to close it.
    4. Choose Delete.
    5. In the confirmation dialog box, type the name of the bucket, and choose Confirm.
  • Step 2. Delete your verified email identity

    1. Open the Amazon SES console at
    2. In the navigation pane, under Identity Management, choose Email Addresses.
    3. In the Email Address Identities list, select the check box next to the email address that you want to delete, and then choose Remove.

    If the list contains many email addresses, type the name of the email address in the search box to find it.

    4. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Yes, Delete Identity.

  • Step 3. Delete your Lambda function

    1. Open the AWS Lambda console at
    2. In the Functions list, select the option next to examplecorp_lambda_tin_function.

    If the list contains many functions, type the name of this function in the search box to find it.

    3. Choose Actions, Delete.
    4. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Delete.

  • Step 4. Delete your IAM role

    1. Open the IAM console at
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Roles.
    3. In the roles list, select the check box next to examplecorp_lambda_tin_role.

    If the list contains many roles, type the name of this role in the search box to locate it.

    4. Choose Delete role.
    5. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Yes, Delete.

  • Step 5. Delete your IAM policy

    1. Open the IAM console at
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Policies.
    3. In the policies list, select the option button next to examplecorp_lambda_tin_policy.

    If the list contains many policies, type the name of this policy in the search box to locate it.

    4. Choose Policy actions, Delete.
    5. In the confirmation dialog box, choose Delete.

  • Step 6. Delete your RESTful API

    1. Open the Amazon API Gateway console at
    2. In the navigation pane, under APIs, choose examplecorp_tin.
    3. Choose Actions, Delete API.
    4. In the confirmation dialog box, type the name of your API, and choose Delete API.

  • Step 7. Stop and delete your AppStream 2.0 image builder

    1. Open the AppStream 2.0 console at
    2. In the navigation pane, choose Images, Image Builder.
    3. Confirm whether the image builder that you created is in a stopped state. If not, select the image builder and choose Actions, Stop.
    4. After the image builder has stopped, choose Actions, Delete.

  • Step 8. Disassociate your AppStream 2.0 fleet from your stack and delete your stack

    1. In the AppStream 2.0 console, in the navigation pane, choose Stacks.
    2. Select the stack you created and choose Actions, Disassociate Fleet. This action disassociates the fleet from the stack.
    3. To delete the stack, choose Actions, Delete.

  • Step 9. Stop and delete your fleet

    1. In the AppStream 2.0 console, in the navigation pane, choose Fleets.
    2. Confirm whether the fleet that you created is in a stopped state. If not, select the fleet and choose Actions, Stop.
    3. After the fleet has stopped, choose Actions, Delete.

Congratulations, you successfully hosted the Example Corp. website and enabled your customers to access your online software trial.