AWS Audit Manager

Continually audit your AWS usage to simplify risk and compliance assessment

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with the AWS Free Tier

How it works

Use AWS Audit Manager to map your compliance requirements to AWS usage data with prebuilt and custom frameworks and automated evidence collection.

Diagram showing how Audit Manager audits your data to create auto-generated audit-ready reports.

Use cases

Transition from manual to automated evidence collection

Avoid the need to collect, review, and manage evidence with automated evidence collection.

Transition from manual to automated evidence collection

Avoid the need to collect, review, and manage evidence with automated evidence collection.

Continually audit to assess compliance

Automatically collect evidence, monitor your compliance posture, and proactively reduce risk by fine-tuning your controls.

How to get started

Explore Audit Manager

Upload manual evidence for your hybrid environment.

Begin your end-to-end Audit Manager migration

Use the AWS Audit Manager migration journey template offered by AWS
Migration Hub 

Contact an expert

Learn more about how to audit your AWS service usage.

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