AWS Architecture Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Figure 6. IoT Device Simulator architecture

Optimize your IoT Services for Scale with IoT Device Simulator

The IoT (Internet of Things) has accelerated digital transformation for many industries. Companies can now offer smarter home devices, remote patient monitoring, connected and autonomous vehicles, smart consumer devices, and many more products. The enormous volume of data emitted from IoT devices can be used to improve performance, efficiency, and develop new service and business […]

Figure 1. PI Connector architecture

Ingesting PI Historian data to AWS Cloud using AWS IoT Greengrass and PI Web Services

In process manufacturing, it’s important to fetch real-time data from data historians to support decisions-based analytics. Most manufacturing use cases require real-time data for early identification and mitigation of manufacturing issues. A limited set of commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) tools integrate with OSIsoft’s PI Historian for real-time data. However, each integration requires months of development effort, […]

Figure 2. Extending the solution

Scale Up Language Detection with Amazon Comprehend and S3 Batch Operations

Organizations have been collecting text data for years. Text data can help you intelligently address a range of challenges, from customer experience to analytics. These mixed language, unstructured datasets can contain a wealth of information within business documents, emails, and webpages. If you’re able to process and interpret it, this information can provide insight that […]

Figure 1. Step Functions Express workflow solution

Running a Cost-effective NLP Pipeline on Serverless Infrastructure at Scale

Amenity Analytics develops enterprise natural language processing (NLP) platforms for the finance, insurance, and media industries that extract critical insights from mountains of documents. We provide a scalable way for businesses to get a human-level understanding of information from text. In this blog post, we will show how Amenity Analytics improved the continuous integration (CI) […]

Figure 4. AWS Proton deploys service into multi-account environment through standardized continuous delivery pipeline

Simplifying Multi-account CI/CD Deployments using AWS Proton

Many large enterprises, startups, and public sector entities maintain different deployment environments within multiple Amazon Web Services (AWS) accounts to securely develop, test, and deploy their applications. Maintaining separate AWS accounts for different deployment stages is a standard practice for organizations. It helps developers limit the blast radius in case of failure when deploying updates […]

Figure 1. River architecture diagram, depicting the flow of data from data producers through the River data ingestion service into Snowflake.

How Cimpress Built a Self-service, API-driven Data Platform Ingestion Service

Cimpress is a global company that specializes in mass customization, empowering individuals and businesses to design, personalize and customize their own products – such as packaging, signage, masks, and clothing – and to buy those products affordably. Cimpress is composed of multiple businesses that have the option to use the Cimpress data platform. To provide […]

Serverless S3 metadata search

Swiftly Search Metadata with an Amazon S3 Serverless Architecture

As you increase the number of objects in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), you’ll need the ability to search through them and quickly find the information you need. In this blog post, we offer you a cost-effective solution that uses a serverless architecture to search through your metadata. Using a serverless architecture helps you […]

Figure 2. Containerized application for ingestion and Amazon Kinesis for format conversion

Designing a High-volume Streaming Data Ingestion Platform Natively on AWS

The total global data storage is projected to exceed 200 zettabytes by 2025. This exponential growth of data demands increased vigilance against cybercrimes. Emerging cybersecurity trends include increasing service attacks, ransomware, and critical infrastructure threats. Businesses are changing how they approach cybersecurity and are looking for new ways to tackle these threats. In the past, […]

Figure 8. Architecture diagram of entire data collection and classification process

Serverless Architecture for a Structured Data Mining Solution

Many businesses have an essential need for structured data stored in their own database for business operations and offerings. For example, a company that produces electronics may want to store a structured dataset of parts. This requires the following properties: color, weight, connector type, and more. This data may already be available from external sources. […]

Figure 7. Fan out design pattern including secondary pipeline for deleting images

Get Started with Amazon S3 Event Driven Design Patterns

Event driven programs use events to initiate succeeding steps in a process. For example, the completion of an upload job may then initiate an image processing job. This allows developers to create complex architectures by using the principle of decoupling. Decoupling is preferable for many workflows, as it allows each component to perform its tasks […]