AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Amazon DynamoDB

This Is My Architecture

This Is My Architecture: Mobile Cryptocurrency Mining

In North America, approximately 95% of adults over the age of 25 have a bank account. In the developing world, that number is only about 52%. Cryptocurrencies can provide a platform for millions of unbanked people in the world to achieve financial freedom on a more level financial playing field. Electroneum, a cryptocurrency company located […]

Handling AWS Chargebacks for Enterprise Customers

As AWS product portfolios and feature sets grow, as an enterprise customer, you are likely to migrate your existing workloads and innovate your new products on AWS. To help you keep your cloud charges simple, you can use consolidated billing. This can, however, create complexity for your internal chargebacks, especially if some of your resources […]

Serverless Dynamic Web Pages in AWS: Provisioned with CloudFormation

***This blog is authored by Mike Okner of Monsanto, an AWS customer. It originally appeared on the Monsanto company blog. Minor edits were made to the original post.*** Recently, I was looking to create a status page app to monitor a few important internal services. I wanted this app to be as lightweight, reliable, and […]

Scale Your Web Application — One Step at a Time

I often encounter people experiencing frustration as they attempt to scale their e-commerce or WordPress site—particularly around the cost and complexity related to scaling. When I talk to customers about their scaling plans, they often mention phrases such as horizontal scaling and microservices, but usually people aren’t sure about how to dive in and effectively scale […]

Glenn’s Take on re:Invent 2017 – Part 3

Glenn Gore here, Chief Architect for AWS. I was in Las Vegas last week — with 43K others — for re:Invent 2017. I checked in to the Architecture blog here and here with my take on what was interesting about some of the bigger announcements from a cloud-architecture perspective. In the excitement of so many new services […]