Why Amazon Braket?

With Amazon Braket, there are no upfront charges, and you pay only for the AWS resources you use. Amazon Braket provides on-demand and dedicated access to quantum computers, quantum circuit simulators, fully managed execution of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms, and Jupyter notebook development environments.

You will be billed separately for use of these capabilities, as well as other AWS services that you use with Amazon Braket such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for storing the results of quantum computations.

  • Quantum Computers
  • Amazon Braket offers three pricing components for on-demand use of a quantum computer (QPU): a per-shot fee and a per-task fee or a single hourly reservation fee.

    A shot is a single execution of a quantum algorithm on a QPU—for example, a single pass through a complete quantum circuit on gate-based QPUs from IonQ, IQM, or Rigetti, or the time evolution of a Hamiltonian on QuEra's QPU. A task is a sequence of repeated shots based on the same circuit design or Hamiltonian, with the number of shots defined when you submit the task. The hourly reservation fee applies to the actual time you book to use a QPU.

    Per-task pricing is consistent across all QPUs, while per-shot pricing varies by QPU type. For gate-based QPUs, the per-shot price remains the same regardless of the number or type of gates used in a quantum circuit. Note that IonQ's Aria QPU requires a minimum of 2,500 shots per task when using error mitigation.

    Braket Direct Program:

    For users requiring dedicated access, Braket Direct allows you to skip the wait with reserved device access, expert advice, and experimental capabilities in one comprehensive package. Reserved access is priced based on reservation duration rather than task volume, available in 1-hour increments, with free cancellation up to 48 hours in advance.

    Additional program features include:

    Expert advice offerings (billed separately from Braket)
    Experimental capabilities (available on a per-request basis)
    For detailed information about expert advice pricing or experimental capabilities, please navigate to Braket Direct in the AWS Management Console.

    Quantum Computers

    Hardware Provider QPU family Per-task price Per-shot price
    IonQ Forte $0.30000 $0.08000
    IonQ Aria $0.30000 $0.03000
    IQM Garnet $0.30000 $0.00145
    QuEra Aquila $0.30000 $0.01000
    Rigetti Ankaa $0.30000 $0.00090

    Reservation Mode

    Hardware Provider
    QPU family
    Reservation Rate (Hour) ($)
    IonQ Forte $7,000.00
    IonQ Aria $7,000.00
    IQM Garnet $3,000.00
    QuEra Aquila $2,500.00
    Rigetti Ankaa $5,750.00
  • Simulators
  • With Amazon Braket, you have a choice of quantum circuit simulators to run and test quantum algorithms, including the free local simulator in the Amazon Braket SDK, and three fully managed on-demand simulators: State Vector 1 (SV1), Density Matrix 1 (DM1), and Tensor Network 1 (TN1). SV1 is a general purpose quantum circuit simulator, DM1 enables you to simulate the effect of noise on your circuits, and TN1 specializes in larger scale simulations for certain types of quantum circuits. All on-demand simulators automatically scale AWS computing resources to deliver high-performance execution of your quantum algorithms. The cost of using the Amazon Braket on-demand simulators is based on the duration of each simulation task. When you use on-demand simulators, you are billed at a per-minute rate, in increments of one millisecond, for the time your simulation takes to run, with a minimum billing duration of 3 seconds per simulation.

    Note that on-demand simulators SV1, and DM1, are only available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (N. California), US West (Oregon), and Europe (London). TN1 is only available in US East (N. Virginia), US West (Oregon), and Europe (London).

    With Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, you have the additional flexibility to use embedded simulators, designed with high performance and ultra-low latency in mind. These simulators can be embedded within the same jobs container as your application code. Today, Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs supports embedded simulators from PennyLane or the option to embed your own circuit simulator as a container using our bring-your-own-container feature. Since embedded simulators run on the same hybrid jobs instance as your application code, your use of embedded simulators could impact the duration of your use of a hybrid jobs instance. The cost for using embedded simulators forms part of your overall bill for using the hybrid jobs instance and is not charged for separately. For more details on the pricing for hybrid jobs instances, refer to the Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs Pricing Page. 

    The cost of using the Amazon Braket on-demand and embedded simulators is based on the duration of each simulation task. You are billed at a per-minute rate, in increments of one millisecond, for the time your simulation takes to run. When you use on-demand simulators, you are billed for a minimum of 3 seconds per simulation.

    Embedded simulators are only available with Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs. For more details on the pricing for embedded simulators, refer to the Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs Pricing Page. 

    Quantum Circuit Simulators

  • Hybrid Jobs
  • Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs supports high-performance embedded simulators from PennyLane, such as the lightning.qubit and lightning.gpu simulator, and using NVIDIA’s CUDA-Q framework. These simulators are embedded directly in the same container as your application code, and support advanced features such as the adjoint method to reduce the number of circuit evaluations required when computing gradients. When running hybrid jobs, you can use our example notebooks or write your algorithms using the Braket SDK, CUDA-Q, or PennyLane. You can also use your own custom software stack for your algorithm with a ‘bring-your-own-container’ capability.

    You can submit a Hybrid Job on a quantum computer on-demand or as part of a reservation. Below charges only apply to on-demand execution of Hybrid Jobs. For jobs submitted during a reservation, there are no additional charges outside of the hourly reservation rates – see pricing under the Braket Direct tab to learn more. There are two components to pricing for the Hybrid Jobs feature: charges for the use of classical resources, and charges for the use of quantum computers or quantum simulators. The Hybrid Jobs feature uses the ml.m5.xlarge instance as the default instance type, or you can choose a different instance type when creating a job. You also have the option to add extra data storage within the job instance at an additional cost. For pricing of these instances and supplementary instance storage, please refer to the "Job Instances" pricing table below. If you are using one of the on-demand simulators (SV1, DM1, TN1) or a quantum computer available on Amazon Braket for a portion of your Hybrid Job, then you will be charged for the execution of quantum tasks that are created as part of your job. Pricing for these tasks is the same whether they are run as part of a Hybrid Job or not. Please refer to the “Quantum Computers” and “Simulators” tabs to learn more about pricing for quantum tasks on the different devices. If you are using an embedded simulator, then you only pay for the classical CPU or GPU resources you use for the duration of the job, based on the pricing table below.

    Job Instances

  • Managed Notebooks
  • Amazon Braket provides fully managed Jupyter notebooks so you can build your quantum algorithms, share code, test your algorithm, and visualize your results. When you create a notebook in Amazon Braket, it will be hosted and billed by Amazon SageMaker, the AWS machine learning service. With Amazon Braket managed notebooks, you can choose your preferred instance type to run each notebook and you will be billed per hour for usage, according to pricing for the selected instance type. For usage under one hour, cost is prorated based on the hourly price. The cost of using each notebook will be listed in the Amazon SageMaker portion of your bill.

    For details on the pricing of different notebook instance types, refer to the Amazon SageMaker pricing page. Select the On-Demand Notebook Instance tab, select the relevant region, and refer to the instance type that you plan to use.

AWS Free Tier

Amazon Braket is part of the AWS Free Tier. The AWS Free Tier gives you one free hour of quantum circuit simulation time per month. This applies to simulation time on SV1, DM1, TN1, or any combination of those three managed quantum circuit simulators. Standard rates for incremental usage apply after the free hour has been used. Use of other Amazon Braket resources such as managed notebooks, hybrid job instances, and quantum computers will incur costs.

Pricing Examples

Example 1: on-demand simulator

Let’s say a developer uses the Amazon Braket SDK running in a local environment to design a quantum circuit to use 30 qubits, and then simulates the circuit using the Amazon Braket on-demand simulator SV1 ($0.075 per minute) in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) region. The simulation takes 4 minutes to run. The developer is running this simulation after using Amazon Braket for 10 months, with no other simulation usage so far that month.

This workload does not use a managed notebook, and the simulation time is covered by the AWS Free Tier, which provides one hour of included on-demand simulation time per month for the first twelve months of using Amazon Braket.
Total charges for first 12 months: $0.

If the developer runs the same simulation after using Amazon Braket for twelve months, standard SV1 pricing ($0.075 per minute) applies:
($0.075 / minute) x 4 minutes =$0.30
Total charges after first 12 months: $0.30

Example 2: Gate-based QPU

A scientist runs a quantum algorithm on the Rigetti Ankaa quantum computer in the AWS US West (N. California) Region. This task includes 10,000 repeated shots of the same circuit design. The cost to run this task includes a per-task charge of $0.30, plus 10,000 shots at a per-shot price of $0.00090.
The cost to run this algorithm:
Task charges: 1 task x $0.30 / task = $0.30
Shots charges: 10,000 shots x $0.00090 / shot = $9.00
Total charges: $9.30

Example 3: Hybrid job with on-demand simulator

A researcher designs a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm and runs it using the Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs feature and the SV1 simulator ($0.075 per minute) in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region. The hybrid job is set up to run for 30 iterations each with 10 tasks. Each task takes 5 seconds to run on the simulator and the total duration of the job is 1500 seconds. The researcher uses an ml.m5.xlarge job instance ($0.23 per hour) for classical compute.

The cost to run this job:
SV1 simulator charges, if the researcher has exceeded the AWS Free Tier: ($0.075 / minute) x (1500/60 minutes) = $1.875 
ml.m5.xlarge job instance usage charges: ($0.23 / 60 minutes) x (1500/60 minutes) = $0.096
Total charges: $1.97

Example 4: Hybrid job with a QPU

A scientist runs a quantum machine learning algorithm on the Rigetti quantum computer using Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs in the AWS US West (N. California) Region. This job includes 50 iterations, each with 2 tasks that have 100 shots. The cost to run this job includes a per-task charge of $0.30, plus each run of the 100 shots at a per-shot price of $0.00090, for each iteration. The scientist also uses an ml.p3.8xlarge job instance ($14.688 per hour) for the entire duration of the job, which lasts 26 minutes.

The cost to run this job:
Task charges: 50 iterations x 2 tasks x $0.30 / task = $30.00
Shots charges: 50 iterations x 2 tasks x 100 shots x $0.0009 / shot = $9.00
ml.p3.8xlarge usage charges: ($14.688 / 60 minutes) x 26 minutes = $6.36
Total charges: $45.36

Example 5: Hybrid job with embedded simulator

A researcher designs a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm on 24 qubits and runs it on the embedded lightning.gpu simulator using Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs, in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region. The hybrid job is set up to run for 10 iterations with zero shots each. The researcher uses a single ml.p3.8xlarge job instance ($0.2448 per-minute) for classical compute. The job takes 2 minutes to complete.

The cost to run this job:
ml.p3.8xlarge job instance usage charges: ($0.2448 per-minute) x (2 minutes) = $0.49
Total charges: $0.49

Example 6: Experiment with error mitigation

A scientist experiments with error mitigation on the IonQ Aria QPU in the AWS US East (N. Virginia) Region.
The cost to run a task on the QPU includes a per-task charge of $0.30, plus a per-shot charge of $0.03.
The cost to run a task with error mitigation enabled and with 2,500 shots:
Task charges: 1 task x $0.30 / task = $0.30Shots charges: 2,500 shots x $0.03 / shot = $75
Total charges: $75.30
Note that since error mitigation requires a minimum of 2,500 shots, attempting to run such a task with fewer shots will fail and the scientists would not be charged.

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