AWS Billing Conductor

Simplify billing and reporting with customizable pricing and cost visibility

Why AWS Billing Conductor?

Whether you’re in the business of managing IT costs for your customers, or simply trying to improve cost accountability for internal teams within your organization, AWS Billing Conductor enables accurate, customizable billing to meet the complex needs of your business and customers.

AWS Billing Conductor supports your billing and reporting workflows by customizing the billing rates, distribute credits and fees, and shared overhead costs at your discretion. With a few clicks, accounts will have a view of their costs that aligns with your business logic when logging in the AWS billing console.


Assign accounts to a billing group to give you (and your primary accounts) an aggregated view of monthly cost and usage data.

Create global, billing entity, service, and SKU-specific pricing rules, which apply to matching usage and can be assigned to your billing groups.

Create custom credit or fee line items that apply to the current or prior billing period for each billing group you maintain.

Generate Cost and Usage Reports for each of your billing groups, available at the payer account and the primary account of a billing group.

How it works

The AWS Billing Conductor is a customizable billing service, allowing you to customize your billing data to match your desired showback or chargeback business logic. To start, you map your accounts to billing groups, which are mutually exclusive. You can then define the billing parameters for each group such as pricing rules and custom line items. Once each billing group is defined, you will be able to view the output of your configuration, by billing group, on the billing console bills page as well as generate a Cost and Usage Report (CUR) for each billing group.

Use cases

Group accounts with the same financial owner into a billing group, and create as many billing groups as needed. Assign one account for each billing group as the “primary account”. Primary accounts have cross-account visibility and can generate a Cost & Usage Report (CUR) for the entire group.

Create global, billing entity, service, and SKU-specific pricing rules, which apply to matching usage and can be assigned to your billing groups. These parameters determine the rates your end customer sees. Create one time or recurring custom line items to allocated fees and credits, which can be calculated using a flat or percentage-based calculation method.

Create a Cost & Usage Report (CUR) for each billing group. This capability is available at the payer account, as well as the primary account for the billing group. Non-Primary accounts assigned within a billing group can generate a CUR only for their account.

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