“我们可以分析数据,[并且] 根据目前的需求决定提高还是降低云性能。这样的灵活性正是我们喜欢 AWS 的原因。”
Pietro Gagliardi
Cleveron 的 CEO 兼 Founder
Cleveron 致力于开发物联网(IoT)解决方案,以帮助各个公司以更具可持续性的方式运营非住宅建筑。由于每秒处理来自数千台设备的数据,因此在扩展方面面临着严峻的挑战,但借助 AWS IoT Core,Cleveron 完全能够满足需求,并为客户提供工具,以使他们能够做出更好的能源使用决策。在扩展业务并帮助更多的组织实现他们的节能愿景方面,这家初创企业的 CEO 兼创始人 Pietro Gagliardi 感到非常兴奋。
Total results: 263
Can Do Uses AI on AWS to Offer Its Customers Virtually Instant Project and Resource Management Reports
German software company Can Do GmbH (Can Do) offers a project, portfolio, and resource management solution to keep projects moving forward smoothly. -
Georgia-Pacific Optimizes Operator Efficiency Using Generative AI on AWS
Learn how Georgia-Pacific, a leading manufacturer, is transforming knowledge management using Amazon Bedrock. -
TotalEnergies puts Gen AI to work on its trading operations
TotalEnergies Trading & Shipping buys and sells cargoes of oil and petroleum products all over the world, ensuring the supply of fuels and raw materials. -
United States
Tapestry Transforms Enterprise Knowledge Management Using Generative AI on AWS
Learn how luxury fashion retailer Tapestry is centralizing access to company information using generative AI on AWS.
了解欧洲各行各业的领先组织如何信任 AWS 来推动其业务各个层面的创新。
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