Amazon Braket Documentation

Amazon Braket is a managed quantum computing service that helps you get started with quantum computing. Amazon Braket provides features that are designed to help you build, test and run quantum algorithms on AWS. It includes access to different types of quantum computers, a development environment, a choice of classical circuit simulators, and managed execution of hybrid quantum-classical algorithms.

Quantum Computers

Simplified access to quantum computers

Amazon Braket is designed to provide secure access to a variety of quantum computing technologies. You can execute your quantum workloads on-demand or using a device reservation with Braket Direct.

Choice of quantum processing units (QPUs)

Amazon Braket provides access to a variety of quantum computers. This helps you test different technologies, compare the compute performance of different machines for the problem that you are trying to solve, and choose the hardware system that is best suited to your application.


Choice of simulation tools

With Amazon Braket, you have a choice of circuit simulators to run and test quantum algorithms. These include the local simulator that is included in the Amazon Braket SDK and three on-demand simulators. The local simulator can run on a laptop or within an Amazon Braket managed notebook and is designed to support simulation of quantum circuits with and without noise. The on-demand simulators are SV1, a general-purpose state vector simulator; DM1, a density matrix simulator that supports noise modeling; and TN1, a tensor network simulator that specializes in certain larger scale structured quantum circuits.

Choice of result types

You can choose different result types for your simulation tasks, including individual samples, custom observables, individual amplitudes, or the full state vector. Amazon Braket simulators can calculate results, or return measurement samples intended to emulate the behavior of quantum computers.

Developer Tools

Developer framework

To help simplify the process of designing and executing quantum algorithms, you can use the Amazon Braket SDK. It has been designed to be technology agnostic to remove the need to code against quantum programming environments that may exist for different quantum computers. The SDK supports a unified developer framework that enables you to build quantum algorithms and run them on compatible quantum hardware or circuit simulators made available to you through the Amazon Braket service.

Managed executions of quantum-classical algorithms with Hybrid Jobs

Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs is designed to help you simplify the process of setting up, monitoring, and running hybrid quantum-classical algorithms. After you provide your algorithm script and select the QPU or simulator to run on, Amazon Braket can spin up classical compute, execute the algorithm, and release the resources once the job is completed. You can define custom metrics for your algorithms to be logged by Amazon CloudWatch and displayed in the Amazon Braket console. Hybrid Jobs is also designed to provide prioritized access to your chosen QPU.

Variational quantum algorithms with PennyLane

To help you build and run hybrid quantum classical, or variational, algorithms, Amazon Braket supports PennyLane, an open source software framework built around the concept of quantum differentiable programming.

Managed Jupyter notebooks

You have the choice of using your own development environment or managed Jupyter notebooks in Amazon Braket to build your quantum algorithms and manage experiments. Amazon Braket notebooks come pre-configured with a suite of quantum computing developer tools to help you get started.

Pre-built algorithms and tutorials
Amazon Braket notebooks come pre-installed with the Amazon Braket SDK, tutorials and a selection of pre-built algorithms to help you get started. You can use them to familiarize yourself with the recommended steps to build and execute quantum algorithms using Amazon Braket.

Braket Direct


In addition to on-demand access to quantum computers, you can also get dedicated device access using reservations through Braket Direct. Reservations can be made for exclusive access to a quantum device of your choosing. You can choose to queue quantum tasks and hybrid jobs for an upcoming reservation in advance, or submit workloads during your reservation on the fly.

Expert Advice

To get additional guidance around your workloads, you can connect with quantum computing experts, directly in the Braket management console. Depending on your needs, you can choose from office hours with Braket experts, various professional services offerings from quantum hardware providers, or expert help from Amazon Quantum Solutions Lab (QSL).

Management and Security

Management console

As a native AWS service, Amazon Braket is accessible through the AWS Management Console. You can use the console to manage and monitor your Amazon Braket resources, such as notebooks and tasks, and access detailed information about quantum circuit simulators and QPUs.

User access management, security, and monitoring
Amazon Braket is integrated with AWS services such as Amazon CloudWatch, AWS CloudTrail, Amazon EventBridge, and AWS IAM to enable you to monitor workloads, generate notifications when your tasks are completed, and manage access controls and permissions. Your simulation and quantum task results can be delivered to your preferred Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket for storage and analysis.

Additional Information

For additional information about service controls, security features and functionalities, including, as applicable, information about storing, retrieving, modifying, restricting, and deleting data, please see This additional information does not form part of the Documentation for purposes of the AWS Customer Agreement available at, or other agreement between you and AWS governing your use of AWS’s services.