Tom Soderstrom:
How do you get synergy, comradery, productivity out of these global teams?
Manjula Sriram:
I actually have a post-it on my laptop. It's “not out of sight, not out of mind.”
It's as simple as your body language, what it says about you if you sit with your arms crossed. You may just be cold, but on a video call they think, "She doesn't want to hear what I have to say." Little things have to be thought about. Your body language becomes very critical. I have a team in India, Iridium has teams in London, so we've got teams all over the globe. Trying to understand the common language, trying to understand the cultural differences, yet being respectful of those is very critical.
Tom Soderstrom:
Is there one piece of advice you could give to people if they have a global team? "You should absolutely do this, and don't do that"?
Manjula Sriram:
Don't assume. One of the key things that you should do is ask the question. If you're thinking about something, you should ask the question. A very simple example: we were trying to do a report and I wanted it in HTML format, and the other person was thinking they were going to give me a PDF format. It was a very simple question. I could have said, "I want an HTML format."
The other piece of advice is assume the question to be just the question. An example is, you come and tell me, "Hey, this is how I'm doing something." I could say, "Why did you do it this way?" You could assume that I'm questioning your judgment of trying to solve a problem, but I'm just asking you the question, "Why did you do it this way?" If we just put it to that question, I think a lot of the global differences go away.