• Windows pricing is per instance-second consumed for each instance, from the time an instance is launched until it is terminated or stopped. While prices for Linux and Windows are listed on a per-hour basis, bills are calculated down to the complexity of your ruleset, player arrival rate, and distribution of player attributes are factors that drive Matchmaking Hours. The best way to estimate your Matchmaking Hours is to submit representative player traffic and ruleset to FlexMatch, and to monitor the real-time metric “MatchmakingSearchTime” in the console.

    Generally, FlexMatch customers submitting 1 million Player Packages per month do not exceed 720 Matchmaking Hours per month. If you expect to submit more than 1 million Player Packages per month, please contact your Account Manager so that we can help you assess if additional Matchmaking Hours capacity may be required for your player traffic.

    Below are some general guidelines for what determines the complexity of a ruleset:second. There is a 1 minute minimum charge per instance.

    Lower Complexity Rules

    • = or != comparison rules
    • Rules that are able to recognize a newly added player as invalid right away
    • Rules which allow for finding matches faster

    Lower Complexity Ruleset Example

    • Distance rules
    • Latency rules
    • Rules that are not able to eliminate a match until the last potential player is added
    • Rules involving lists of strings
    • Rules that match large number of players per game session
    • Rules that match large number of teams per game session
    • Rules that are restrictive, which cause significantly more matches to fail the rule and require additional matching attempts

    Higher Complexity Rules

    This example rule set describes a match with the following characteristics:

    • Team structure: Two single-player teams
    • Player attributes:
      • gameMode: Type of game chosen by the player (if not provided, default to "turn-based").
      • gameMap: Game world chosen by the player (if not provided, default to 1).
      • character: Character chosen by the player (no default value means that players must specify a character).
    • Match rules: Matched players must meet the following requirements:
      • Players must choose the same game mode.
      • Players must choose the same game map.
      • Players much choose different characters.

    Higher Complexity Ruleset Example

    This example illustrates how to set up player teams and apply a set of rules to each team instead of each individual player. It uses a single definition to create three equally matched teams. It also establishes a maximum latency for all players. Latency maximums can be relaxed over time to complete the match. This scenario sets out the following instructions:

    • Create three teams of players.
      • Include between three and five players in each team.
      • Final teams must contain the same or nearly the same number of players (within one).
    • Include the following player attributes:
      • A player’s skill level (if not provided, default to 10).
      • A player’s character role (if not provided, default to “peasant”).
    • Choose players based on whether their skill level is similar to other players in the match.
      • Ensure that each team has an average player skill within 10 points of each other.
    • Limit teams to the following number of “medic” characters:
      • An entire match can have a maximum of five medics.
    • All players in the match must be within 50 milliseconds latency of all other players.
    • If a match is not filled quickly, relax the player latency requirement as follows:
      • After 10 seconds, allow player latency range up to 100 ms.
      • After 20 seconds, allow player latency range up to 150 ms.
  • Monthly Player Packages Charge

    The monthly Player Packages price is $20 per 1 million Player Packages, and the free tier provides 50,000 Player Packages per month.

    Total Player Packages - Free Tier Player Packages = Monthly billable Player Packages

    25,000,000 Player Packages - 50,000 Player Packages = 24,950,000 Monthly billable Player Packages

    Monthly Player Packages Charge = 24,950,000 * $20/M = $499

    Monthly Matchmaking Hours Charge

    The monthly Matchmaking Hours price is $1 per Matchmaking Hour and the free tier provides 5 Matchmaking Hours.

    Total matches formed = Total Player Packages / players per match

    Total matches formed = 25,000,000 Player Packages / 20 players per match = 1,250,000 matches

    Total Matchmaking Hours = Total matches formed * Matchmaking Hours per match

    Total Matchmaking Hours = 1,250,000 matches * 50 milliseconds per match / 3,600,000 milliseconds per hour = 17.361 hours

    Total Matchmaking Hours - Free Tier Matchmaking Hours = Monthly billable Matchmaking Hours

    17.361 Matchmaking Hours - 5 Matchmaking Hours = 12.361 Matchmaking Hours

    Monthly Matchmaking Hours Charge = 12.361 * $1 = $12.36

    Total Monthly Charges

    Total Charges = Player Packages charges + Matchmaking Hours charges = $499 + $12.36 = $511.36

  • Monthly Player Packages Charge

    The monthly Player Packages price is $20 per 1 million Player Packages, and the free tier provides 50,000 Player Packages per month.

    Total Player Packages - free tier Player Packages = Monthly billable Player Packages

    25,000,000 Player Packages - 50,000 Player Packages = 24,950,000 Monthly billable Player Packages

    Monthly Player Packages Charge = 24,950,000 * $20/M = $499

    Monthly Matchmaking Hours Charge

    The monthly Matchmaking Hours price is $1 per Matchmaking Hour and the free tier provides 5 Matchmaking Hours.

    Total matches formed = Total Player Packages / players per match

    Total matches formed = 25,000,000 Player Packages / 20 players per match = 1,250,000 matches

    Total Matchmaking Hours = Total matches formed * Matchmaking Hours per match

    Total Matchmaking Hours = 1,250,000 matches * 10 seconds per match / 3,600 seconds per hour = 3,472.22 hours

    Total Matchmaking Hours - Free Tier Matchmaking Hours = Monthly billable Matchmaking Hours

    3,472.22 Matchmaking Hours - 5 Matchmaking Hours = 3,467.22 Matchmaking Hours

    Monthly Matchmaking Hours Charge = 3,467.22 * $1 = $3,467.22

    Total Monthly Charges

    Total Charges = Player Packages charges + Matchmaking Hours charges = $499 + $3,467.22 = $3,966.22