Amazon GameLift Servers Instances

The following tables display the hourly Spot and On-Demand prices for each region and instance type (updated every 5 minutes).

With Amazon GameLift Servers Spot instance types you pay the Spot price that’s in effect at the beginning of each instance-hour for your running instance. If Spot price changes after you launch the instance, the new price is charged against the instance usage for the subsequent hour. Spot instance prices are set by Amazon Web Services and adjust gradually based on long-term trends in supply and demand for Spot instance capacity, but never exceed On-Demand prices. In the Amazon GameLift Servers console, you can view three months of historical pricing and savings data for every instance type and region.

Note: we offer pricing discounts for large scale games, please contact us if your game costs are over $80K per month or just need help estimating your costs.

Instance Pricing: Linux | Windows

  • Windows pricing is per instance-second consumed for each instance, from the time an instance is launched until it is terminated or stopped. While prices for Linux and Windows are listed on a per-hour basis, bills are calculated down to the second. There is a 1 minute minimum charge per instance.

    *“Monthly w/ Autoscaling” is calculated using an average monthly usage of 365 hours per instance, which is based upon a typical player demand pattern for multiplayer games.

    Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.

Data Transfer OUT from Amazon GameLift Servers Instances

  • You are charged data transfer fees for traffic between your game servers and your game clients. Inbound data transfer is free. For outbound data transfer rates to other AWS services and regions, visit the Data Transfer Rates.

    Except as otherwise noted, our prices are exclusive of applicable taxes and duties, including VAT and applicable sales tax. For customers with a Japanese billing address, use is subject to Japanese Consumption Tax. Learn more.

    Contact us for pricing for data transfer greater than 500 TB / month.