AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region coming soon

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AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region coming soon

A new AWS Region is coming to Taiwan by early 2025! The AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region will consist of three Availability Zones at launch. This region will give AWS customers the ability to run workloads and store data that must remain in Taiwan. As part of its long-term commitment to Asia Pacific, AWS is planning to invest billions of dollars to support the operation, maintenance, and growth of the AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region to support customers across all industries and of all sizes as they transform digitally.

To learn more about the Taipei Region and other AWS Regions please read the AWS News Blog or visit the AWS Global Infrastructure page.  


Words from our customers and partners

  • Cathay Financial Holdings
  • Cathay Financial Holdings

    Cathay Financial Holdings (CFH) is a leader in financial technology in Taiwan and continuously introduces the latest technology to create a full-scenario financial service ecosystem. Since 2021, CFH has built a cloud environment on AWS that meets security control and compliance requirements. “Cathay Financial Holdings will continue to accelerate digital transformation in the industry, and also improve the stability, security, timeliness, and scalability of our financial services,” said Marcus Yao, senior executive vice president of CFH. “With the forthcoming new AWS Region in Taiwan, CFH is expected to provide customers with even more diverse and convenient financial services.”


    國泰金控為台灣金融服務產業的引領者,且不斷引進新技術,打造全面的金融服務場景。自 2021 年起,國泰金控在 AWS 上建構了滿足安全控制和合規要求的雲端環境。國泰金控資深副總經理姚旭杰表示:「國泰金控將持續加速數位轉型,提升金融服務的穩定性、安全性、即時性和可擴充性。借助即將落地的 AWS 台灣資料中心,國泰金控期待能夠為客戶提供更多樣、更便利的金融服務。」

  • Chunghwa Telecom
  • Chunghwa Telecom

    Chunghwa Telecom is a leader in cloud network services in Taiwan. Chunghwa Telecom offers broad 5G bandwidth, fast network speeds, and is one of the world’s leading mobile Internet providers. It has also invested in international submarine cables around the world, providing high speed, low latency and largescale private 5G connection to enterprises. It also leverages generative AI platforms such as Amazon Bedrock to build innovative services and create intelligent applications for various industries. “AWS is an important collaborator to Chunghwa Telecom. The development of an AWS Region in Taiwan will further drive the development of Taiwan’s information industry,” said Dr. Ivan Lin, president of Chunghwa Telecom. “Chunghwa Telecom will leverage AWS’s infrastructure and cloud technologies, and combined with our own experience running information systems and offering multiple AWS competencies, we’re looking forward to providing our customers with even lower latency, high bandwidth, and high-security direct connection services.”


    中華電信是台灣的雲網服務引領者,擁有 5G 主流頻寬、網速領先全台並高居國際前茅的行動上網,更投資國際海纜,提供企業 5G 專網高速率、低延遲與大連結等服務。更利用 Amazon Bedrock 生成式 AI 平台建立創新服務,打造百工百業智能應用。中華電信總經理林昭陽博士表示:「AWS 是中華電信重要的合作夥伴。AWS 資料中心在台灣的落地,將進一步推動台灣的資訊產業發展。中華電信將更深入運用 AWS 基礎設施與技術,以自身多年資訊系統雲化豐富經驗,加上取得多項 AWS Competency 能力認證的技術力,致力為更多客戶提供低延遲、高頻寬、高安全與高韌性的直連專線與雲端服務。」

  • eCloudvalley
  • eCloudvalley

    eCloudvalley Digital Technology Group is an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner with a team of cloud experts with 500+ certificates. “eCloudvalley Group has always embraced our mission of being a cloud evangelist, driving the adoption of cloud technology across Taiwan's industries,” said MP Tsai, CEO of eCloudvalley Group. “With a decade-long close collaboration with AWS, we are honored to help more and more customers and industries move to the cloud, while being part of customers’ digital transformation journey on AWS. We believe that the launch of the AWS Region will further support Taiwanese companies’ digital transformation and innovation in Taiwan with its world-leading cloud technology, while industries with higher local data residency requirements, such as finance and healthcare, will be able to further advance their cloud transformation journey.”


    伊雲谷集團是 AWS 核心級服務合作夥伴,其雲端專家團隊擁有 500 多項認證。伊雲谷集團執行長蔡佳宏提到:「伊雲谷集團始終以雲端傳教士為使命,推動雲端技術接軌台灣產業。十年來,我們與 AWS 合作共同深耕雲端技術,很榮幸能見證雲端走入台灣各個產業,陪伴產業客戶於雲上成長,幫助客戶加速達成數位轉型。相信 AWS 區域在台灣的落成,將滿足更多台灣企業本地數位轉型和創新的需求,足不出戶即享全球領先的雲端技術。同時,對於金融、醫療等對本地資料儲存需求較高的產業,AWS 區域將助力他們更深入開展上雲轉型旅程。」

  • Gamania
  • Gamania

    Gamania, a leading Taiwanese online game developer, publisher, and operator, leverages the robust and scalable infrastructure of AWS to seamlessly run multiple game products under its brand, ensuring a highly reliable and secure gaming experience for their vast global player base. “Security and accessibility are critical for player satisfaction, and we rely on AWS to ensure uninterrupted gameplay throughout a game’s lifecycle,” said Marco Chien, Gamania Taiwan COO. “The announcement of the new AWS Region in Taiwan will enable us to leverage the industry’s leading cloud services with low latency while storing data domestically, ensuring a seamless and uninterrupted gaming experience for our players. We are excited about the opportunities this presents, as it allows us to accelerate innovation and uncover new pathways for growth and expansion.”


    遊戲橘子作為台灣領先的線上遊戲開發商、發行商和營運商,利用 AWS 強大且可擴展的基礎設施來無縫運行旗下多款遊戲產品,為其廣大的全球玩家群提供高度可靠和安全的遊戲體驗。遊戲橘子台灣區營運長簡志浩表示:「遊戲的安全性和穩定性對於玩家滿意度至關重要。我們依賴 AWS 來確保整個遊戲生命週期中遊戲體驗不中斷。AWS 新的台北區域讓我們能夠以低延遲利用產業領先的雲端服務,同時將資料儲存在台灣,為玩家帶來流暢的遊戲體驗。我們對此帶來的機遇感到振奮,因為它將使我們能夠加速創新步伐,發掘新的增長途徑。」

  • KKCompany
  • KKCompany

    KKCompany Technologies is one of Asia’s leading AI multimedia technology groups, with businesses covering its music streaming platform KKBOX, an AI-powered streaming solution in BlendVision, and cloud intelligence service Going Cloud. KKCompany has extensive experience serving major clients throughout Asia in cloud migration and digitization. The company offers consulting services in generative AI, multimedia technology, digital transformation and more for enterprises, operating under both B2C and B2B models. “KKCompany has been a long-term collaborator with AWS, collaborating to drive AI digital transformation in the industry,” said Steve Wang, KKCompany chairman and CEO. “We are thrilled to see AWS establishing data centers in Taiwan, which will strengthen our technical base in Taiwan and support our ambition to become a world-class software technology group.”


    科科科技是亞洲最大的 AI 多媒體科技集團之一,旗下包含音樂串流 KKBOX、多媒體科技 BlendVision、雲端智慧 Going Cloud 等自有產品品牌;同時為 AWS 認證合作夥伴。科科科技累積多年服務橫跨亞洲大型客戶的雲端科技經驗,提供企業生成式 AI 應用、多媒體串流以及雲端轉型顧問服務,同時具備自有品牌經營(B2C)與企業軟體服務(B2B)雙商業模式,布局包括日本在內的全球業務。科科科技集團董事長暨執行長王献堂表示:「科科科技是 AWS 的長期合作夥伴,AWS 在台建置資料中心,有助於集團深化以台灣為技術核心基地,成為世界級軟體科技集團的目標,我們很期待與 AWS 一起推動產業 AI 數位轉型。」

  • Nextlink
  • Nextlink is an AWS Premier Consulting Partner and certified Managed Service Provider (MSP) providing cloud services and solutions. “AWS’s investment in local infrastructure will help drive the digital transformation of Taiwanese companies, boosting the development of various industries spanning from traditional industries to emerging digital sectors,” said Mr. Ho, CEO of Nextlink Technology Inc. “The new AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region will address customer needs in data localization, low latency, compliance, and high-performance computing workloads. We look forward to leveraging AWS’s world-leading cloud technologies to power customers’ digital transformation journeys, while contributing to the diversification of Taiwan’s economy.”


    博弘雲端為 AWS 核心級服務合作夥伴,並具備 AWS MSP 代管服務資格。博弘雲端總經理何冠生表示:「AWS 此次在台灣的基礎設施投資將有助於推動台灣企業的數位轉型,助力從傳統產業到數位新興行業的創新發展。我們期待繼續與 AWS 加深合作,協助各行各業的企業深入利用即將推出的 AWS 區域,以此在地優勢解決資料本地化、低延遲、合規性、與高效能運算工作負載等需求,將全球領先的雲端技術注入企業的數位轉型之旅,並為台灣經濟的多元化發展做出貢獻。」


Customers in Taiwan choosing AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region will enjoy the following benefits that help address specific business needs.  

  • The new AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region will enable customers with data residency preferences or requirements to store their data securely in Taiwan. Data residency is the requirement that all customer content processed and stored in an IT system must remain within a specific country’s borders, and it is one of the foremost concerns of governments that want to use commercial cloud services.

  • A major factor to consider for user experience is latency. Reduced network latency can make substantial impact on user experience. Choosing AWS Asia Pacific (Taipei) Region which is close to your user base location can help achieve lower network latency and faster response time. It can also increase communication quality, given that network packets have fewer exchange points to travel through. 

  • Like all AWS Regions, this AWS Region in Taiwan consists of a minimum of three, isolated, and physically separate Availability Zones (AZ) within a geographic area. Unlike other cloud providers, who often define a region as a single data center, the multiple AZ design of every AWS Region offers advantages for customers. Each AZ has independent power, cooling, and physical security and is connected via redundant, ultra-low-latency networks. AWS customers focused on high availability can design their applications to run in multiple AZs to achieve even greater fault-tolerance.

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Getting Started

Web Applications

AWS customers require web hosting solutions to deploy various types of web applications, including public web portals, internal websites, API applications, and e-commerce platforms. These web applications have different requirements in terms of scalability, availability, security, and performance. Resources below can be a good start:

Data Backup

As organizations adopt cloud computing, they face challenges in managing data backups across hybrid environments that span on-premises and cloud infrastructures. This complexity arises from the need to ensure data protection, comply with regulations, and optimize storage costs while seamlessly integrating with existing backup solutions. Additionally, managing the data lifecycle, including data retention policies, archiving, and secure deletion, becomes increasingly crucial in these hybrid environments. Getting started now:

Disaster Recovery

Many organizations face challenges in ensuring business continuity and data protection in the event of natural disasters, system failures, or other disruptive events. Traditional on-premises disaster recovery (DR) solutions can be complex, costly, and often require maintaining redundant infrastructure at a secondary site. As organizations increasingly adopt cloud computing, there is a growing need for efficient and scalable DR solutions that can leverage the flexibility and scalability of the cloud. Learn more: