Amazon FinSpace is a data management and analytics service for financial services industry (FSI) customers such as hedge funds, asset management firms, insurance companies, and investment banks to store, prepare, and analyze data at petabyte scale. Amazon FinSpace provides fully managed kdb Insights clusters to process and analyze capital markets timeseries data.

Use the "Request a pricing quote" above so we can help you optimize your kdb configuration on AWS and reduce spend.

  • Managed kdb Insights
  • Pricing

    Using the FinSpace AWS Console and API, customers can launch kdb Insights analytics clusters to perform real-time and historical data processing and analytics. With Managed kdb Insights, you pay only for the compute, storage, and caching resources you use when running kdb Insights clusters and there are no minimum fees or setup charges. This frees you from the costs and complexities of planning, purchasing, and maintaining hardware and transforms what are commonly large fixed costs into much smaller variable costs.

    Kdb Insights compute for Dedicated Clusters and Scaling Groups

    Managed kdb Insights compute can be used for the individual compute nodes in a dedicated cluster or for the hosts in a scaling group. You pay an hourly rate (billed at one-minute resolution), based on the quantity and size of nodes in your dedicated cluster or hosts in your scaling group. Note that only* types work with scaling groups.

    Note: The price per hour does not include kdb Insights software license. See here for details on kdb licensing.

    Database Storage

    Data is stored in kdb Databases using change sets. You pay for the amount of data in your database, which is the total of the amount of data you have added to a database via changesets. This is calculated by adding up the GB provisioned for each hour and dividing by the total number of hours in the month, resulting in a “GB-months” value.

    Storage Volumes

    Shared storage volumes can be configured to provide POSIX file system storage for writing and storing Tickerplant (TP) logs, writing and storing realtime database (RDB) savedown files, temporary scratch space, and faster database access via Dataviews and high-performance disk cache. You pay for the amount of volume storage configured. This is calculated by adding up the GB provisioned per hour and dividing by the total number of hours in the month, resulting in a "GB-months" value.

    When used for cache on a dedicated cluster in a Multi-AZ cluster configuration, a cache in each AZ is automatically created, so your total cost will be 3 times the amount of cache storage you specify for the cluster via the API/Console.

    Dedicated Cluster Savedown Storage

    Real-time clusters will persist data from memory to disk so that it can be added to the kdb historical database for historical analytics. For dedicated clusters you can configure separate storage, called Savedown Storage, for each node. For Scaling Groups, you can configure a Storage Volume, which is shared by all nodes in the cluster, to use for savedown storage. 

    The amount of savedown storage required will depend on the volume of data your real-time cluster is processing each day. You pay for the amount of storage configured for each node in the cluster. This is calculated by adding up the GB provisioned per hour per active node in the cluster and dividing by the total number of hours in the month, resulting in a "GB-months" value.

    Amazon FinSpace with Managed kdb Insights Pricing Example

    Consider a customer that wants to setup a Quant Research environment on AWS using Managed kdb Insights with 10 years of historical equity tick history and supporting 3 Quants.

    To support this example, there will be a FinSpace kdb Database with 10 years of equity tick history totaling 100TB (100,000GB) and adding 50GB of new data at the end of each day (EOD). There will be one small FinSpace Scaling Group to run a kdb cluster to perform processing of the new EOD data received ( with 54GB of available memory). There will be one larger FinSpace Scaling Group ( with 216 GB available memory) that will provide each Quant with their own 64GB kdb cluster. To speed up analytics, there will be a high-performance cache, large enough for 2 years of the historical data (20TB = 20,000GB).

    Monthly cost calculation (for a 30-day month)

    Historical Database Storage: $2,640

    • 100,000 GB x $0.0264 per GB-month = $2,640
    • 50 GB new data x $0.0264 per GB-month = $1.32 of storage costs added each day to the historical database

    EOD Data Ingest Processing:  $26.46

    •  1 scaling group node x 1 hr per day x 21 trading days per month x $1.26 per hour ( = $26.46

    Quant Compute for running 3 kdb clusters: $1,666.72

    • 1 scaling group node x 8 hrs per day x 21 trading days per month x $5.04 per hour ( = $846.72
    • 20,000GB database cache x $0.041 per GB-month (12MB/s shared volume) = $820.00

    Total monthly cost: $4,333.18

    •  $2,640 (Historical DB) + $26.46 (EOD ingest) + $1,666.72 (Quant Compute)

    For more advanced examples, such as a real-time ticker plant with event processing, please reach out to your account team for assistance in estimating and optimizing the cost for FinSpace.

  • Dataset Browser
  • Pricing

    With Amazon FinSpace, you pay for users who have access to the application, the storage you use monthly, and for the clusters of compute nodes used to prepare and analyze your data.

    You are charged $150 per month for each registered user in FinSpace. 

    You are charged $0.14 per month for each GB of data you store in FinSpace. 

    FinSpace Clusters (compute)
    You are charged per minute for the compute used to prepare and analyze data. You can choose from five cluster sizes based on your data processing needs.


    Cluster size (# worker nodes*) Price per minute
    Small (2 nodes) $0.14 
    Medium (4 nodes) $0.25
    Large (10 nodes) $0.50
    X-Large (20 nodes) $1.00
    XX-Large (40 nodes) $2.00

    *Each cluster worker node provides 16 vCPU and 244 GB of memory.

    Amazon FinSpace Pricing Example

    Consider a team with 5 people who use Amazon FinSpace to store, prepare, and analyze their data. The team will store 5,000 GB of stock market data and then use this data for their analysis. Each user will spend 20 hours (1,200 minutes) per month using a medium size cluster to prepare and analyze data.

    Monthly cost calculation

    Users: $750

    • 5 users $150 per user = $750

    Storage: $700

    • 5,000 GB x $0.14 per GB = $700

    Compute: $1,500

    • 5 users x 1,200 minutes = 6,000 minutes
    • 6,000 minutes x $0.25 per minute for Medium cluster = $1,500

    Total monthly cost: $2,950

    • $750 (users) + $700 (storage) + $1,500 (compute)