Amazon Monitron will no longer be available to new customer access on October 31, 2024. To use the service, please sign up prior to October 31, 2024. Existing customers can continue to use the service as normal. For alternatives to Monitron we recommend exploring our blog post.

With Amazon Monitron, you can detect abnormal conditions in industrial machinery, enabling you to implement predictive maintenance and reduce unplanned downtime. Apply the benefits of machine learning (ML) to equipment data from your factory floor with no ML experience required. Easy to install and online in minutes, with Amazon Monitron you can take proactive action and stop problems before they affect your bottom line.

To use Amazon Monitron, you pay only two costs: a one-time device purchase cost for the Sensors and Gateways, and an ongoing pay-as-you-go service fee for each Amazon Monitron Sensor in use. There are no additional upfront fees and no long-term commitments.

Sensor and Gateway Purchase:

You can purchase Amazon Monitron Sensors and Gateways at the advertised list price on (US, UK, Germany, Spain, FranceItalyCanada, Japan and Australia) or through your Amazon Business account to buy in bulk through a purchase order (PO).

We provide four options for device purchases:

  1. Amazon Monitron Starter Kit: five Amazon Monitron Sensors (TE1A001) and one Amazon Monitron Gateway
  2. Five pack of Amazon Monitron Sensors (TE1A001)
  3. Five pack of Ex-rated Amazon Monitron Sensors (TE1A195)
  4. One Amazon Monitron Gateway (Wi-Fi)
  5. One Amazon Monitron Gateway (Ethernet)

The typical life of an Amazon Monitron Sensor battery is five years, and you would need to purchase a new Sensor at the end of the Sensor’s battery life. Up to 20 Amazon Monitron Sensors can be connected at a time with one Amazon Monitron Gateway. The number of Sensors per Gateway will depend on the distance between the Gateway and the Sensor. (Learn more about Sensor life and replacement in this FAQ.)

Service Fee:

A service fee is charged per every Amazon Monitron Sensor in use. In the US East (N. Virginia) Region, the service fee is $4.17 per Sensor per month ($50 per Sensor per year). We start charging this fee for a Sensor only when you commission that Sensor through the set-up process. We automatically meter the period of time the Sensor is in use based on when it was commissioned and decommissioned, and invoice you only for that period (pro-rated by the second period) via your monthly AWS bills.

Pricing details

Price Purchase link
Amazon Monitron Starter Kit (5 Sensors (TE1A001), 1 Gateway) $715   US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Canada, Japan, Australia
Pack of 5
Amazon Monitron Sensors (TE1A001)
$575 US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, ItalyCanadaJapan, Australia
Pack of 5 Ex-rated Amazon Monitron Sensors (TE1A195) $800 US (UK, EU coming soon)
Amazon Monitron Gateway (Wi-Fi) $140 US, UK, Germany, France, Spain, ItalyCanadaJapan, Australia
Amazon Monitron Gateway (Ethernet) $180 USUKGermanyFranceSpainItalyCanadaJapan, Australia
Amazon Monitron Service $4.17/Sensor/month ($50 per Sensor per year) Get started

Pricing examples

Example 1

You are a piano manufacturer in the United States and want to use Amazon Monitron to monitor five motors that drive the dust collectors at your manufacturing site. You buy an Amazon Monitron Starter Kit, which includes five Sensors and one Wi-Fi Gateway, for $715. You install one Sensor per motor. You use Amazon Monitron for one year, or 12 months per Sensor, at a cost of $4.17 per Sensor per month. This means your Amazon Monitron service cost for the year is $250, on top of the one-time Starter Kit purchase cost. Your total cost for the year is $965. Please see the table below for a detailed breakdown:

  Cost calculation Total cost
Monitron Starter Kit (5 Sensors, 1 Gateway) 1 x $715 per starter kit $715

Monitron Service
5 Sensors in the starter kit x $4.17 x 12 $250
  Total Cost for first year

Example 2

You are a beverage company in Germany, and you have already evaluated Amazon Monitron for your beverage-making facility. You liked the product and decide to scale the use of Amazon Monitron to 200 gearboxes and 150 compressors. Each gearbox needs two sensors, and each compressor needs four sensors, installed in different locations on the equipment. This means that you need 400 sensors for your gearboxes, and 600 sensors for your compressors, a total of 1,000 sensors. You purchase 200 packs of five (1,000 total) Amazon Monitron Sensors for $575 per pack, or $115,000 total. You also purchase 50 Amazon Monitron Gateways (Wi-Fi), so that you have one Wi-Fi Gateway for every 20 Sensors, for $140 per Wi-Fi gateway or $7,000 total. You install and use these 1,000 Sensors and 50 Gateways (Wi-Fi) for one year, at a cost of $4.17 per Sensor per month (or $50 per Sensor per year). This means that your Amazon Monitron Service usage cost is $50,000, on top of the Sensor and Gateway pack costs of $122,000, for a total cost of $172,000 in Year 1. In Year 2 to Year 5, since you already own the Sensors and Gateways (Wi-Fi), you only incur the cost to use the Amazon Monitron service, or $50,000 per year total. A detailed breakdown is below:

  Cost calculation Total cost
Year 1    
200 Packs of 5 Monitron Sensors  200 packs x $575 per pack $115,000
50 Monitron Gateways (Wi-Fi) 50 Gateways x $140 per Wi-Fi Gateway $7,000
Monitron Service 200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 1 Total Cost: $172,000
Year 2    
Monitron Service 200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 2 Total Cost: $50,000
Year 3    
Monitron Service 200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 3 Total Cost: $50,000
Year 4    
  200 packs x 5 sensors per pack x $50 per sensor per year $50,000
  Year 4 Total Cost: $50,000
Year 5    
  200 packs x 5 sensors per pack x $50 per sensor per year $50,000
  Year 5 Total Cost: $50,000
  Total Cost over 5 Years: $372,000

Example 3

Let’s say you are a manufacturer and have already evaluated Amazon Monitron. You liked the product and decide to scale the use of Amazon Monitron to 150 pumps and 200 fans. Each pump needs 4 sensors and each fan needs 2 sensors to be installed at different locations on the equipment. This means that you need 600 sensors for your pumps, and 400 sensors for your fans, a total of 1,000 sensors. You purchase 200 packs of five (1,000 total) Amazon Monitron Sensors for $575 per pack, or $115,000 total. You also purchase 50 Amazon Monitron Gateways (Ethernet), so that you have one ethernet gateway for every 20 Sensors, for $180 per ethernet gateway or $9,000 total. You install and use these 1,000 Sensors and 50 Gateways (Ethernet) for one year, at a cost of $4.17 per Sensor per month (or $50 per Sensor per year). This means that your Amazon Monitron Service usage cost is $50,000, on top of the Sensor and Gateway pack costs of $124,000, for a total cost of $174,000 in Year 1. In Year 2 to Year 5, since you already own the Sensors and Gateways (Ethernet), you only incur the cost to use the Amazon Monitron service, or $50,000 per year total. A detailed breakdown is below:

  Cost calculation Total cost
Year 1    
200 Packs of 5 Monitron Sensors  200 packs x $575 per pack $115,000
50 Monitron Gateways (Ethernet) 50 Gateways x $180 per Ethernet Gateway  $9,000
Monitron Service 200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 1 Total Cost: $174,000
Year 2    
Monitron Service 200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 2 Total Cost: $50,000
Year 3    
Monitron Service 200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 3 Total Cost: $50,000
Year 4    
  200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 4 Total Cost: $50,000
Year 5    
  200 packs x 5 Sensors per pack x $50 per Sensor per year $50,000
  Year 5 Total Cost: $50,000
  Total Cost over 5 years: $374,000

Additional pricing resources

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