Many retailers seek creative ways to effectively engage customers across multiple touchpoints. Retail Media Networks and Advertising solutions on AWS help retailers deliver personalized advertising experiences. Retailers can leverage these solutions to build media networks that provide targeted, contextual ads during the online and in-store shopping journey, driving customer engagement and revenue opportunities.

Partner Solutions

Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners

Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 5
  • Publish Date
  • Rokt E-Commerce

    Optimize the Transaction Moment: Use artificial intelligence to seamlessly serve each customer relevant offers and experiences, adding revenue to every purchase. Enable real-time activation of your data to personalize and improve each customer interaction.
  • Kenshoo eCommerce, a leading Amazon advertising platform

    With Kenshoo Ecommerce, a leading Amazon advertising platform, vendors, sellers and brands can create, manage, forecast and optimize Amazon Sponsored Ads campaigns at scale. Take Amazon advertising to new heights and understand your products like never before
  • Last Yard Dynamic Promotion and Pricing at the Retail Shelf Edge (ESL Solution)

    Last Yard started life to solve a basic, yet annoying problem - how to make great looking store created pricing tickets without the need for messy, time consuming hand-printing. Over 15 years later we’re helping more than 7,000 stores connect with the modern in-store shopper via print and digital ESLs or Electronic Shelf Labels.
  • Wipro VisionEDGE

    Wipro VisionEDGE is the Contextual Digital Content Experience Platform that centrally manage & distributes HD video and highly relevant digital content to improve customer experience, provide efficient operations and generate new revenue sources thereby transforms the Venue & the user experience. Some capabilities of Wipro VisionEDGE solution are: • Ability to segment TV displays into groups and zones independent of physical location • Flexible and synchronized content presentation including support for multiple transparent overlays • Instantaneous change up of venue graphics and playout at any location to support differing events • Automated display and advancement of content based on incoming trigger or wall clock time • Manual intervention and content advancement with ad-hoc ability for a celebration or emergency • Proof of Play collection per Digital Media Player (DMP) per advertising item for accurate counts of playouts • Centralized control and software management of all multimedia endpoints (DMPs) • Role-based access for delegation of roles and responsibilities across venue staff • Local control designation to groups of TV displays enabling mobile application interaction.
  • Koddi Commerce Media Platform

    A commerce/retail media platform enabling a range of digital-first and brick-and-mortar retailers to monetize their e-commerce sites with sponsored listings and sponsored display. Koddi Ads provides retail media networks with the ability to allocate brand marketing spend on-site (owned and operated) and off-site (display, CTV, in-store placements).
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Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content

Showing results: 1
Total results: 1
  • Publish Date
  • Retail and Commerce Media Monetization on AWS

    This Guidance illustrates how retailers can setup a Media Insights platform that serves as a central hub for the retailer’s commerce and media monetization using their data and analytics.
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