In this module, you provision an Amazon Neptune instance and test connecting to your instance in your application code.
Time to Complete Module: 30 Minutes
Amazon Neptune is a fully managed graph database provided by AWS. It provides a highly-available service with easy scaling mechanisms, automatic failovers, and regular backups.
In the following steps, you first provision an Amazon Neptune instance. Then, you configure your Neptune instance so that it is accessible from your Cloud9 development environment. Finally, you test this connection by connecting with your application code.
In this module, you provisioned an Amazon Neptune database instance for your application. Then, you updated the security group settings to allow access to your database from your Cloud9 development environment and a Lambda function. Finally, you ran a test script to ensure you could connect to your database instance.
In the next module, you learn about the Neptune graph data model. You learn key concepts and terms for a graph database. Then, you load some data into your database and run some queries that are needed in your application.