Amazon VPC Lattice features

Why Amazon VPC Lattice?

Amazon VPC Lattice automatically manages network connectivity and application layer routing between services across different VPCs and AWS accounts. It also enables connectivity to TCP resources, such as databases, domain names, and IP addresses across VPCs and accounts. You can operate your network without having to manage underlying network connectivity, frontend load balancers, or sidecar proxies next to every workload. Amazon VPC Lattice integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to provide you the same familiar authentication and authorization capabilities when using other AWS services. By using Amazon VPC Lattice, you can choose from different compute types, such as instances, containers, and serverless, for a given service, helping you modernize from a monolithic application architecture to a microservices architecture. This capability also helps improve scalability and cost efficiency.

Amazon VPC Lattice manages all of your service-to-service and service-to-resource connectivity, security, and monitoring needs so that you can focus on your application logic and deliver applications faster.

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Amazon VPC Lattice provides a service directory with a centralized view of the services that you own or have been shared with you through AWS Resource Access Manager (AWS RAM).

By using Amazon VPC Lattice, you can create a service network with a logical boundary that is used to automatically implement service discovery and connectivity. You can also apply common access and observability policies to a collection of services.

Amazon VPC Lattice automatically manages network connectivity between VPCs and accounts in addition to network address translation between IPv4, IPv6, and overlapping IP addresses.

Amazon VPC Lattice is a fully managed application layer proxy that provides common controls to route traffic based on request characteristics. Amazon VPC Lattice also supports weighted routing for blue/green and canary-style deployments.

Amazon VPC Lattice integrates with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) for service-to-service authentication and authorization, providing the same familiar authentication and authorization capabilities you use today with AWS services.

You can access your VPC Lattice services and resources from on premises using VPC endpoints (powered by AWS PrivateLink).

You can now have a single VPC connect to multiple service networks using VPC endpoints of type service network.