Amazon WorkDocs Site Naming Policy

Naming and Complaint Resolution Policy for

Last Updated: February 7, 2020

1.0 Summary
This policy lays out the Naming and Complaint Resolution Policy associated with creating site names under the domain

2.0 Naming Requirements

2.1. Summary
In connection with your use of Amazon WorkDocs, you may create WorkDocs site names, which will appear as a subdomain of the domain name (e.g., Your WorkDocs site name must comply with the below naming conventions.

2.2. Allowed characters

Names can contain alphabetical characters (A-Z), numeric characters (0-9), the minus sign (-), and the period (.). Names can contain a period, but names cannot start with a period.

2.3. Disallowed characters

Names cannot contain the following characters:

• Comma (,)
• Tilde (~)
• Colon (:)
• Exclamation point (!)
• At sign (@)
• Number sign (#)
• Dollar sign ($)
• Percent (%)
• Caret (^)
• Ampersand (&)
• Apostrophe (‘)
• Parentheses (())
• Braces ({})
• Underscore (_)
• White space (blank)

2.4. Minimum name length

2 characters

2.5. Maximum name length

62 characters

2.6. Prohibited WorkDocs Site Names:

• Geographic names
• “mail"
• "mailsrv"
• "mailsrvr"
• "mailserver"
• "mailserve"
• "smtp"
• "esmtp"
• "postfix"
• "email"
• "qmail"
• "exchange"
• "outlook"
• "postmaster"
• "mailhost"
• "mailrelay"
• "relay"
• "pop"
• "imap"
• "outgoing"

2.7. Additional Naming Restrictions

2.7.1. You agree that you will not request and/or use any subdomain that violates our rights or a third party’s rights, or is otherwise prohibited under applicable law.

2.7.2. You agree that you will not request and/or use any subdomain that would generally be considered vulgar, offensive, or would reflect poorly on Amazon or AWS.

2.8. Reserved Names

In order to protect against the misuse of a name in which a third party may have intellectual property or other rights, Amazon WorkDocs places on reserve and blocks from use as subdomains certain categories of names, including names corresponding to Fortune 500 company names in whole or in part, names of internal Amazon services, AWS Marks identified in the AWS Trademark Guidelines Trademarks, and all trademarks owned by, Amazon Services LLC, and their affiliates.

3.0 Indemnification

In addition, subject to the limitations in Section 9 of the Customer Agreement, you will defend AWS, its affiliates, and their respective employees, officers, and directors against any third-party claim alleging that your WorkDocs site name infringes or misappropriates that third party’s intellectual property rights, and will pay the amount of any adverse final judgment or settlement.

4.0 WorkDocs Response Plan

Alleged incidents of abuse/or non-compliance should be routed directly to the WorkDocs service team via the email alias Please submit all concerns or violations to this email alias by providing your first name, last name, organization, email address, phone number, and the description of the incident. WorkDocs plans to respond to allegations of abuse is based upon the following four pillars: Verification, Investigation, Remediation, and Follow-up as identified in more detail below.

4.1. Verification

4.1.1. WorkDocs will use commercially reasonable efforts to review all submissions routed to the above email address and make an initial determination regarding the source and legitimacy of each submission.

4.1.2. WorkDocs will codify ALL reserved names, blacklisted aliases, and disallowed characters to systematically impede the creation of subdomains that are not allowed.

4.2. Investigation
WorkDocs will prioritize all investigations of submissions routed to the above email address in order of severity.

4.3. Remediation
Any violations of the terms and conditions contained in the AWS Customer Agreement, AWS Service Terms, and other agreements with us governing your use of our Services, this policy, or policies of Amazon Registry Services, Inc. may result in the suspension of the infringing subdomain name.

4.4. Follow-Up
Where, as a result of a submission routed to the above email address, there is found to be abusive/non-compliant activity, WorkDocs will follow-up on each submission to update the status of the subdomain name. WorkDocs will also engage with the relevant Customer to educate them about how to avoid future remediation action.

5.0 AWS Reservation of Rights

AWS reserves the right to deny or cancel, or place any sub domain name on hold, or similar status, as it deems necessary, in its unlimited and sole discretion and without notice, either temporarily or permanently:

5.1. To protect the integrity, security, and stability of the Domain Name system (DNS);

5.2. To enforce all terms and conditions contained in the AWS Customer Agreement, AWS Service Terms, AWS Acceptable Use Policy, other agreements with us governing your use of our Services, this policy, and the policies of Amazon Registry Services, posted on online;

5.3. To comply with specifications adopted by any industry group generally recognized as authoritative with respect to the Internet (e.g., Requests for Comments (FRCs));

5.4. To correct mistakes made by us in connection with activating or allowing you to use a subdomain; or

5.5. For the non-payment of fees.