Hadoop commonly refers to the actual Apache Hadoop project, which includes MapReduce (execution framework), YARN (resource manager), and HDFS (distributed storage). You can also install Apache Tez, a next-generation framework which can be used instead of Hadoop MapReduce as an execution engine. Amazon EMR also includes EMRFS, a connector allowing Hadoop to use Amazon S3 as a storage layer.
However, there are also other applications and frameworks in the Hadoop ecosystem, including tools that enable low-latency queries, GUIs for interactive querying, a variety of interfaces like SQL, and distributed NoSQL databases. The Hadoop ecosystem includes many open source tools designed to build additional functionality on Hadoop core components, and you can use Amazon EMR to easily install and configure tools such as Hive, Pig, Hue, Ganglia, Oozie, and HBase on your cluster. You can also run other frameworks, like Apache Spark for in-memory processing, or Presto for interactive SQL, in addition to Hadoop on Amazon EMR.