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Open allAs someone with AWS Certification experience, why would I participate in AWS IQ?
AWS IQ is a great way to monetize your AWS skills by providing hands-on help to customers. AWS IQ will help you find customers who value your expertise. You decide when and where you want to work. With AWS IQ you can stay sharp and practiced on AWS technology.
What are the eligibility requirements for IQ?
Learn more about eligibility requirements outlined in our User Guide for Experts.
How do I register?
Individuals and partners can register today by visiting If you are working as a freelancer (and not behalf of a company), you may prefer to provide only individual details. If you’re working on behalf of a company, you may prefer to provide company details. If you're responding on behalf of a company, we recommend providing both company and individual details to earn trust with customers. Your profile is completed when you've provided individual or company details, and contact information. For individual details, you must provide a photo and a short biography. Your bio can include links to online public profiles or references from AWS customers. Individuals or organizations must complete Marketplace Seller registration. Profiles will be activated within three weeks of completing registration.
Can AWS Partners participate in AWS IQ?
Yes, if you meet the eligibility criteria, you can participate as either a customer or expert, and are encouraged to sign up and create your profile showing AWS Certifications and experience.
I am registering on AWS IQ. Do I need to have an AWS Certification?
No. Without a user with a valid AWS Certification in your AWS account, you can have a public profile page on IQ and customers can send you direct messages through your profile. To view and respond to customer requests, at least one user in your AWS account must have a valid AWS Certification linked to their IQ profile. To access a customer’s account through AWS IQ, you must have a valid AWS Certification.
Can I work with customers on IQ on behalf of my company?
Yes. You can set up your company details to respond to customer requests or messages on behalf of your company. To set up a company public profile page, you must enter your company name, description, logo, and URL in AWS Marketplace Account Settings. If you provide both your individual details in IQ and company details in AWS Marketplace, you will have the option to respond to customers as yourself or on behalf of a company.
Do I need to specialize in particular technical areas to participate?
Specialization is not required. Many customers are seeking help from generalist solutions architects, developers, or systems administrators, while other customer requests require specific skills and knowledge. Ultimately it is up to you to choose the requests you feel qualified to address. Please keep in mind that responding to requests you are well suited for gives you a better chance to be successful, and improves your ability to win work in the future.
How will I find my first customer?
To find your first customer, simply sign-in to AWS IQ, review available customer requests, and respond to those that align with your interests, skills, and experience. You can chat with customers to clarify their needs and share your thoughts on how you can help. When you are ready, you can share a project proposal that covers the scope of work you will do on the customer’s behalf. Once the customer accepts your proposal, you have found your first customer.
How can I demonstrate my skills and experience to customers?
When you complete work with a customer, the customer will have an opportunity to provide feedback on whether the project was successful or not. In addition, your AWS Certifications are prominently displayed on your profile, and you are encouraged to leave detailed information about yourself in your “Professional Experience” section, including links to your expert portfolio, such as your GitHub profile.
What if my customer is unhappy?
If you are unable to meet your customer’s expectations, you can make changes to your work, offer a discount, or offer a refund. Learn more about refunds.
How are prices set?
You set the price for your services and a fixed bid price when you make a proposal to a customer.
What is the cost to use AWS IQ?
AWS takes a 2.5% fee on the approved payment requests. Learn more and explore examples on the pricing page.
How do I get paid?
The customer is charged on their AWS bill. AWS Marketplace will disburse to your or your firm’s bank account.
Do I have to charge and collect taxes on the services I provide to AWS customers?
You are the provider and seller of the service sold to customers, which means you are ultimately responsible for any applicable taxes on the fees you earn, except in jurisdictions where AWS as the AWS Marketplace operator is required by law to collect. Please refer to for details on which jurisdictions and products AWS as the AWS Marketplace operator is required by law to collect.
Can Amazon or AWS employees participate in AWS IQ?
No, Amazon and AWS employees are not eligible to sign-up as experts on AWS IQ.
Can AWS Promotional Credits be used on IQ?
Customers can not use credits to pay experts on IQ. Customers may use credits for eligible resources that are spun up in their AWS environment. Learn more about AWS Promotional Credits.
I completed my AWS IQ Expert registration, but I haven't heard back regarding my activation.
Experts are activated within two weeks of submitting registration. If you have not been activated within two weeks, you may be required to complete an identity verification. Please check your email to see if you've been contacted to schedule a video call for additional verification.
When will IQ be available to experts in my country?
We don't have an estimate when IQ will launch in other countries. We will share updates on the AWS What's New blog.
How do I setup a Listing?
While listings are not available on IQ, please consider creating a listing on AWS Marketplace to introduce prospective customers to your offerings. To get started, check out the Creating a professional services product documentation.
Why have I not been paid?
Disbursements occur once funds are successfully collected from the buyer.
The payment collection timeline varies based on the buyer's payment method. Credit card payments take 1-3 days, ACH payments take 1-2 weeks, and net terms payments typically take 30 days.
Once payment has been collected, disbursement occur daily or monthly based on your disbursement preferences. Learn more about disbursements.
What are expert tax obligations for AWS IQ transactions?
For information about VAT, invoicing, and tax obligations of sellers, see AWS Marketplace Sellers or Amazon Web Services Tax Help.
How can I promote my services and offerings to AWS customers?
Consider creating a listing on AWS Marketplace to introduce prospective customers to your offerings. To get started, check out the documentation to create a professional services product on AWS Marketplace.
How do I create an IAM user with the proper managed policies?
To create an IAM user, follow the steps outlined in Setting up account permissions to use AWS IQ.
Where can I find my 1099 form?
Tax documents are published in January and can be found in ‘Payment information’ tab of the Settings page within the AWS Marketplace Management Portal.
How do I link my AWS certification?
To link your certification, click the "Link certification" button when registering, or edit your profile after it has been activated. If you are unable to locate your certification, please reach out to the AWS Training and Certification team for assistance.
What happens if a buyer doesn't pay their invoice?
While we work hard to facilitate successful payment collection on every IQ transaction, we are not able to guarantee collection. Per our Terms and Conditions, please note we are not responsible for any amounts that we are not able to collect from customers.
Do I need to complete the DAC7 questionnaire?
Yes, the DAC7 tax form is required to sell professional services on AWS IQ. Please complete your DAC7 tax form during registration. If you do not complete the DAC7 form, you will be unable to finish your registration.