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Zarthi Elastic Beanstalk Services offers comprehensive features tailored to deploy and scale web applications and services.

1. Provisioning Resources

Our engineers provision Elastic Beanstalk to efficiently set up the necessary resources for your application. We analyze your application's requirements to ensure optimal resource allocation, balancing capacity, and performance.

Our team also configures AWS resources, including the environment setup and necessary infrastructure, providing a seamless foundation for your application to run smoothly. By establishing a robust infrastructure, we ensure that your application is ready for deployment with minimal setup effort on your part.

2. Health, Load Balancing, and Configuration

We configure load balancing to distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances, ensuring reliable performance and availability. By continuously monitoring application health, we identify and replace unhealthy instances to maintain seamless operation. This ensures your application behaves as expected under various conditions, maintaining high performance and security.

3. Deployment, Scaling, and Monitoring

We proficiently manage the deployment by uploading new application versions to Elastic Beanstalk, which then automatically deploys them to the environment. This approach encompasses selecting appropriate strategies to minimize disruption for current users.

With built-in auto-scaling capabilities, Elastic Beanstalk scales your application horizontally, adding or removing instances based on traffic load. We configure auto-scaling rules to dynamically adjust the number of instances, ensuring your application remains responsive and efficient.

Sold by Zarthi
Fulfillment method Professional Services

Pricing Information

This service is priced based on the scope of your request. Please contact seller for pricing details.


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