AWS Marketplace Events and Webinars

Join AWS Marketplace for upcoming events and webinars that bring the cloud computing community together to connect, collaborate, and learn from AWS experts, AWS Partners, and industry experts.


NOV. 29 – DEC. 3, 2021 | Las Vegas, NV

Celebrating 10 years of re:Invent

Customize each interaction to reach more customers and better understanding the complete digital journey.  Learn more»

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Find products and services that unlock agility, alongside governance tools that improve transparency and control.

Our Resource Hub has tools to help you make more informed decisions

Find informative reports and webinars designed to support your role:

Webinar: Disruptions from COVID-19 compel digital innovation

Government leaders today must operate on tighter budgets and smaller staffs while constituents increasingly demand a better experience. Learn about  constituent engagement solutions and services experiences.

Broad selection of products

AWS Marketplace is a curated digital catalog that makes it easy to find, test, buy, and deploy the third-party software you want, with the simplified procurement and controls you need.




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