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WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic

Bitnami by VMware | 6.7.2-0-r09 on Debian 12

Linux/Unix, Debian 12 - 64-bit Amazon Machine Image (AMI)

Reviews from AWS Marketplace

136 AWS reviews

    wp user

Easy installation

  • January 06, 2018
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Was able to launch new a Wordpress EC2 instance in just a few steps, using the easy to follow instructions. Great AMI and documentation.

    Lee S.

Permission Errors

  • September 20, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Installs and launches great, however cannot run any Automatic updates. File permissions errors across the board makes it EXTREMELY CUMBERSOME to manage. NOTE: Default Directory Permissions (775) / File Permissions (664) --- I ran chmod to change to (755/644) and still receive errors.

A definition of a siteurl or homeurl was detected in your wp-config.php, but the file is not writable. Set your wp-config.php to writable and reload this page.

Update Failed: Download failed. Destination directory for file streaming does not exist or is not writable.

Also, unable to Delete Jetpack to save my life. Even via FTP, deletion returns:
Error: set attrs for /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/jetpack/json-endpoints/jetpack: permission denied

..c'mon man!



  • September 12, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

the tool is really excellent but I would have liked to have an installation so easy with RDS it would be very well


It just work NICE!

  • September 06, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

In step "Step 3: Make Changes to Your Website" is just "black screen". Only after "reboot" server from aws console shown. Someone reported it into reviews too. Otherwise everything is OK.


    Jared Marin


  • May 05, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Entire process was easy to implement. If want a WordPress site using AWS, this is the route to take. WordPress powered by Bitnami saves a lot of time.

    Taylor M.

LetsEncrypt Didn't Work

  • March 21, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

I was looking for an easy LAMP install that I could use with LetsEncrypt for certs. I went through the initial install and everything went great, it wasn't super straightforward on how to find my application password but a little googl'ing helped point me in the right direction. I got Wordpress running just fine with no problems but couldn't get LE to do the auto installer... instead I would have to manage certs manually. Decided to build my own LAMP stack where LE works great.


Password doesn't work

  • March 13, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Followed Amazon's instructions on setting this up, twice. Each time the generated password (in system log) failed when trying to login.

    Steve Stanzel

Quick and Easy setup!

  • January 11, 2017
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Wasn't sure if I was jumping down a rabbit hole but this was really straightforward. A simple way to both explore WordPress as well as LightSail and AWS in general.


It worked great on my first try!

  • November 26, 2016
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

Having installed WordPress before on a different server (non-AWS), I wasn't exactly looking forward to going through all the hassle of setting it up with its dependencies like SQL. I was pleasantly surprised with the Bitnami experience. The rough stuff was already completed. All I had to do was get my user password -- which is well-documented on how to do that -- and then login to my already operational WordPress. I didn't have to mess around with a command line interface for any of this to work.


No problems at all

  • November 22, 2016
  • Review verified by AWS Marketplace

We had no issues with passwords etc. and installed easily. Very good AMI. We also installed a mail server on top without any issue. Not sure why some people are having problems with this, as its a pretty good image.

Bitnami products are very solid.