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Deploy IT infrastructure easily with RHEL 8.3 (ARM) with Support by Supported Images

  • By Amaan S.
  • on 06/11/2022

What do you like best about the product?
With RHEL 8.3 (ARM) with Support by Supported Images, its easy to deploy IT infrastructure that is fully supported while increasing organizations' productivity and ​reducing IT expenditure. It comes with a stable API with updated security patches.
What do you dislike about the product?
There is nothing to dislike I guess, but there should be some offers or discounts for clients or customers.
What problems is the product solving and how is that benefiting you?
It maintains application streams by allowing some of the applications to be updated independently to match the maintenance stream of the application vendor. Apart from that it speed-up AWS ​deployments because it offers 1-Click installs of almost every popular frameworks.
Recommendations to others considering the product:
You can go for this with this vendor because RHEL 8.3 (ARM) with Support by Supported Images comes with regular security patches and a stable API which is optimized to give the best performance.

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