Smart City: Waste & Recycle
Track metrics such as vehicle location, route completion, and service confirmations in real time.
Rubicon Global
RUBICONSmartCity (TM) helps city governments run waste and recycling operations faster, smarter, and more effectively. A smartphone app tracks metrics such as vehicle location, route completion, and service confirmations in real time, empowering drivers to document important information like blocked bins, contaminated recycling, and infrastructure failings. All of this information is fed directly back to a secure website for supervisors and dispatchers to evaluate and assess. City leaders can even pinpoint neighborhoods with low recycling rates.
Rubicon Global's features include:
- Service confirmations for all truck types, with exact time and location and without human interaction
- Vehicle tracking via Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) GPS
- Turn-by-turn navigation to specific points, disposal facilities, and a return to route
- Driver information (including hours and miles driven)
- Vehicle information, safety, and maintenance (including speeding and hard driving)
- Real-time route management
- Integration (including RFID, CRM/311, and cameras)
- Waste collection route issue/incident identification (including taking pictures, flagging locations, etc.)
- Urban data collection (including air quality sensing, pothole detection, vacant home cataloging, etc.)

Recognizing the potential of technology to enhance public services, the City of Montgomery, Alabama chose Rubicon Global to make their operations more efficient and cost-effective while providing better customer service.
80 waste vehicles serving 61,000 residences were outfitted with RUBICONSmartCity technology, including dash-mounted smartphones and GPS tracking, effectively turning each vehicle into a roaming data center that tracks issues throughout the city. Drivers documented when and why a location couldn’t be serviced, giving the city the ability to enforce accountability for both city workers and residents. Routing software provided drivers and fleet managers more modern and versatile tools for completing pickups via the most efficient routes.
In just six months, drivers had logged 25,000 incidents with the mobile app, with 90 percent of drivers using the system as intended.

Chris Conway, Director of Public Works, City of Montgomery, Alabama

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