AWS 儲存能力合作夥伴可針對各種使用案例提供行業領先的諮詢和技術服務,包括在 AWS 環境中來回進行備份和還原操作;使用 IP File 或 Block 通訊協定的主要儲存和物件儲存;主動和被動資料存檔功能;以及業務永續經營/災難復原 (BCDR) 解決方案。

依類別搜尋 AWS 儲存能力合作夥伴
利用 Amazon S3 Glacier 進行持久且經濟高效的長期資料備份的解決方案。
利用 AWS 來實現專注於復原時間和復原點目標需求的復原策略的解決方案。
AWS 能力合作夥伴提供諮詢服務,已展示出深厚的 AWS 技術專業知識,並在跨產業、使用案例和工作負載的專門領域驗證了客戶的成功。

探索更多的 AWS 儲存合作夥伴解決方案和資源。
探索 AWS 儲存能力合作夥伴電子書、網路研討會、客戶成功案例等。
採用 AWS 儲存合作夥伴解決方案的網路連接儲存選項
使用 Druva CloudRanger 在 AWS 雲端上建置企業備份和災難復原解決方案
了解 Air Bud Entertainment 如何降低備份成本、消除磁帶並加速存檔。
使用 AWS 合作夥伴備份並還原至 AWS
該書概述了使用現有或運用新的合作夥伴解決方案的選項,以擴展備份環境至 AWS,或將備份環境整體遷移至 AWS。
使用 AWS 合作夥伴將儲存遷移至 AWS
閱讀遷移至 AWS 的三種範例類型:網路連接的儲存檔案分享、主機連接的區塊儲存和虛擬磁碟。
使用 AWS 合作夥伴進行高效能運算儲存
該書探索了在 AWS 上執行 HPC 工作負載時的儲存選項。
使用 AWS 合作夥伴的網路連接儲存選項
該書討論了 NAS 的 AWS 合作夥伴解決方案,及其效能、使用案例、可用性、通訊協定和應用程式支援。
AWS 客戶使用案例:TRE ALTAMIRA (3:17)AWS 合作夥伴使用案例︰Zadara (1:31)
Showing results: 1-5
Total results: 2759日期- 日期
Mike George, 2025年3月21日Fair Trade USA™ is a nonprofit organization that is committed to eliminating poverty by promoting sustainable development through ethical trade. They work to ensure fair compensation, safe working conditions for farmers and workers, and sustainable farming practices. In this post, you’ll learn how Fair Trade USA leverages Amazon Web Services (AWS) to improve working conditions for farmers and producers around the world.
Chris McPeek, 2025年3月21日This post is authored by Anton Aleksandrov, Principal Solution Architect, AWS Serverless and Daniel Abib, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS Serverless application developers may commonly encounter scenarios where they need to transport large payloads, especially when building modern cloud applications that need rich data. Examples include analytics services with detailed reports, e-commerce platforms with extensive [...]
Subhash Talluri, Ajay Rane, Awaiz Khan, Jad Naim, Ravi Devarasetti, 2025年3月20日Introduction Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications are evolving into distributed inference pipelines, where models run across multiple tiers, from device edge to AWS, to optimize latency, bandwidth, and privacy. Instead of sending all raw data to AWS, collaborative AI inference can occur at the device, far edge, near edge (often a 5G Multi-access Edge Computing site [...]
Mehmet Bakkaloglu, Daniel Bacelic, 2025年3月20日One of the primary strategies for growth for partners is through global expansion. Amazon Web Services (AWS) continues to invest in infrastructure around the globe. The Middle East is one region with huge potential for growth. According to IDC, more than 75 percent of workloads are on premises in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Saudi Arabia. The AWS and IDC report “Unlocking the Full Potential of AI in the Middle East” points out that 28 percent of organizations surveyed in the UAE and Saudi Arabia are currently investing in AI while another 50 percent plan to invest. Read this post to learn more.
Channy Yun (윤석찬), 2025年3月13日Amazon S3 Tables integration with SageMaker Lakehouse enables unified access to S3 Tables data from AWS analytics engines like Amazon Athena, Redshift, EMR, and third-party query engines, to build securely and manage centrally.
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