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AWS Community Voices
Total results: 158
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Open source project and/or repository
NEWLevel 300delstack
Kenta GotoExperience the efficiency of delstack, a CLI tool that force-deletes entire AWS CloudFormation stacks, even those with resources that fail in normal deletion. This tool simplifies the removal of challenging items like non-empty S3 Buckets and ECR Repositories containing images, ensuring smooth cleanups. Streamline your AWS management with delstack, confidently handling DELETE_FAILED obstacles with ease and reliability. -
Open source project and/or repository
NEWLevel 200lamver
Kenta GotoExperience the powerful capabilities of lamver, a CLI tool that allows you to search and manage AWS Lambda functions with ease. With lamver, you can interactively search and filter Lambda functions across multiple regions using specific keywords, ensuring you quickly find the functions you need. Additionally, you can export your search results to a CSV file for easy documentation and analysis. -
Open source project and/or repository
NEWLevel 300cls3
Kenta GotoExperience the efficiency of "cls3," a CLI tool designed for deleting Amazon S3 buckets. Interactively and easily search for bucket names, then delete or empty multiple S3 buckets across regions with high-speed performance. Gain detailed insights with real-time counts of deleted objects, ensuring complete transparency and control.
參加 AWS 開發人員活動

AWS Community Day 活動是為期一天的社群主導型會議,其活動場地和內容都是由社群領導者進行規劃、外包和交付,AWS 幾乎不提供任何指導。就許多方面來說,這些活動都是由 Amazon 協辦,以「社群發起,服務社群」為宗旨。

AWS Summit 結合一系列免費的線上和現場活動,將雲端運算社群成員集結在一起,讓成員可以相互交流、協作及學習 AWS 相關知識。參加 AWS Summit 可聆聽 AWS 領導團隊、專家、合作夥伴和客戶的精采演說。參加技術分組會議、示範、互動研討會、實驗室和團隊挑戰則可學習各種知識。

歡迎前來拉斯維加斯共襄盛舉,了解 AWS 的最新消息、向專家請教,並與全球 AWS community 互動交流。您可以參加社群成員主導的聚會、與 AWS 專家一對一交流,並到 AWS Community Developer Lounge 使用 AWS 開發人員資源,這些資源適合各種技能程度的建置人員。
社群中隨時都有 AWS 相關討論在進行,我們希望您能多多參與討論。無論您是在尋找專家建議、非正式交談、即時活動摘要或社群實際案例,這裡應有盡有。
社群中隨時都有 AWS 相關討論在進行,我們希望您能多多參與討論。無論您是在尋找專家建議、非正式交談、即時活動摘要或社群實際案例,這裡應有盡有。