AWS DevOps 能力合作夥伴

透過擁有深厚技術知識和經客戶成功實證的 AWS 專業化合作夥伴,推動創新並發揮更高的商業價值

以 DevOps 實務最佳化軟體開發生命週期的每個階段,藉以縮短上市時間。AWS DevOps 能力合作夥伴在 AWS 交付 DevOps 解決方案方面展現了專業能力。這些合作夥伴提供一系列服務和軟體產品,以簡化佈建和管理基礎架構、部署應用程式碼、自動化軟體發佈程序、監控應用程式和基礎結構效能,以及將安全性最佳實務、政策和防護機制整合至 CI/CD 管道。

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AWS 合作夥伴能源能力標誌


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    • Healthcare

      NHS Midlands and Lancashire Launches Activate, Incorporating a Scalable, Cost-Effective Patient Contact Center Solution with Digital Space on AWS, Reducing Patient Waiting Lists by 9–14%

      United Kingdom

      NHS Midlands and Lancashire (NHS ML) supports nine Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) across England from its bases in the Midlands and North West, providing the high-quality transformational and back-office support they need. Using traditional methods for all patient contact was time consuming, ineffective, and expensive. The NHS ML Referral Management Centre chose AWS Partner Digital Space to migrate its patient contact center to Amazon Web Services (AWS) and deployed an automated multi-channel approach to patient communication and engagement. The innovative digital transformation of its patient waiting list management reduced waiting lists 9–14%, depending on specialty.

    • Education

      eSafetyFirst Speeds Code Deployment by 4x and Cuts Management Time 30% with safeINIT on AWS


      eSafetyFirst is a Romanian company that works exclusively serving Canadian businesses and job seekers. It provides online occupational health and safety training and certification in French and English hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Canada. The company wanted to ensure that it maintained excellent service as its business grew so it sought a local partner to work with. eSafetyFirst chose AWS Partner safeINIT to work on a transformation project for its training platform. But when initial plans to move core compute services to containers proved problematic, safeINIT quickly pivoted and built a new solution in response to changing needs.

    • Financial Services

      Capitalizing on AWS with Harness: Trust Bank Reduces Lead Times by about 90% With Automated CI/CD Processes


      Launched in September of 2022, Trust Bank is the first of Singapore’s new wave of digital banks. It is also one of the fastest growing digital banks in the world with 16 percent of Singapore’s market share, or more than 800,000 customers. To keep pace with its rapid growth, Trust Bank needed an agile continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) solution that could seamlessly integrate with its Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments at scale. Following a careful evaluation, Trust Bank turned to AWS Partner Harness. With Harness fully integrated, Trust Bank reduced its lead time for deployment from two weeks to 24 hours and achieved continuous compliance through implementing all controls required to align with industry standards.

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    Total results: 601
    • 日期
    • Grey Newell, 2025年3月20日
      If you’re trying to break into tech, or hoping to accelerate your cloud career, this post is for you. Learn practical strategies that helped me transform from a struggling new graduate to an AWS Solutions Architect, eventually earning the coveted golden jacket awarded to those who achieve all twelve AWS Certifications. Whether you’re aiming for your first certification or dreaming of that golden jacket, I’ll show you how to chart a path that aligns with your goals and unlocks your potential in the cloud.
    • Bill Tarr, Anthony McClure, Brad Laughlin, Rowena Branch, 2025年3月13日
      Discover how CleanSlate Technology Group helped Varsity Yearbooks transform their traditional yearbook business into a modern SaaS solution, accelerating feature delivery and boosting market share. Learn how this AWS SaaS Competency Partner leveraged AWS services to enable digital transformation in the educational services industry.
    • Oleg Grytsynevych, Richard Burrows, 2025年3月5日
      Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers building software-defined ground segment solutions with the AWS Ground Station now have more confidence in their solution: they can integrate their DevOps practices with AWS Ground Station’s digital twin feature, which became generally available in August. The digital twin is useful for both aspiring and existing AWS Ground Station customers to achieve faster outcomes without applying for satellite licensing and more cost-effectively than scheduling a production satellite contact. Read this post to learn more.
    • Matthias Patzak, 2025年3月4日
      Software development teams have always struggled to deliver features within the timeframe that businesses and customers expect. A recent BCG study found that over a third of respondents’ internal software development projects were delayed. Late delivery delays ROI and frustrates everyone involved. Organizations face numerous challenges when accelerating software delivery, but one stands out for its outsized [...]
    • Raghava Kumar Vemu, Lili Zhou, 2025年3月1日
      Imagine navigating the same cloud challenges that AWS solutions architects face daily, and proving you can solve them. That’s what AWS Jam Journeys offer through hands-on learning experiences. And, now we’ve reorganized our AWS Jam Journeys to better match your learning paths and the way you interact with AWS services.


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