AWS Summit Taipei

2024 AWS 台灣雲端高峰會

2024 年 7 月 23 日(二)- 7 月 24 日(三)

TICC 台北國際會議中心(台北市信義區信義路五段 1 號)


打破常規 創新無懼

台灣出海 AI 啟航

生成式 AI 科技橫空出世,驚艷世界,掀起一波空前的轉型變革之浪。這股浪潮不僅震撼資訊科技界,更為傳統製造、金融服務、零售、娛樂、醫療和公共服務等各產業領域的運作模式,注入顛覆性的重塑活力。

2024 AWS 台灣雲端高峰會即將於 7 月 23 日和 24 日在台北國際會議中心開展,匯聚各行各業的開發者、企業專家與科技愛好者,旨在為您帶來沉浸於生成式人工智慧與雲端技術的專屬體驗。本次活動參加者可以藉豐富的論壇議程、互動式工作坊、主題實作、遊戲式體驗學習科技新知,並且和國內外專家們面對面交流,了解寶貴的轉型實例以及創新的 AWS 服務與解決方案。

現在就註冊報名參加「2024 AWS 台灣雲端高峰會」,探索新思維、掌握新技術,活化企業成長動能,再創高峰。



探索生成式 AI、開發者工具和雲端基礎架構的最新突破,了解如何快速且自信地構建應用、利用數據為您的業務創造獨特優勢,以及在部署時兼顧可用性、擴展性、成本效益、永續性和效能,為您揭示科技趨勢的發展方向,展示 AWS 如何助您一臂之力。

今年的 AWS 台灣雲端高峰會也將帶來值得期待的精彩議程,將為您分享業界發展趨勢,開啟科技的嶄新視野。

Robert Wang 王定愷
Managing Director, AWS Taiwan and Hong Kong
總經理, 中華電信股份有限公司
資深執行副總經理, 勤業眾信聯合會計師事務所
Dan Kochpatcharin
Head of Ecosystem and Alliance Management Division, TSMC 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司
Sherry Marcus
Ph.D., Director of Generative AI Science at AWS
國泰金控 數數發中心 數據暨人工智慧發展部 協理
Yimin Kao
Director of Data and Artificial Intelligence, Gogolook


2024 AWS 雲端高峰會精心策劃了重量級主題議程,全方位展現 AWS 生態系統的無窮潛力。從深度的資料分析到全方位的雲端應用,再到引領潮流的生成式 AI,每個環節都將展示 AWS 如何引領跨產業的數位革命。

AWS 也會與眾多合作夥伴聯手分享最新雲端生態系與數位轉型實戰經驗。特別設計的實作工作坊,更能讓您親身體驗生成式 AI 的無限潛能與頂尖資安技術的關鍵應用,在峰會現場與技術專家、開發者、新創菁英以及業界領袖盡情交流。



李卓軒 Kevin C.H. Lee
多媒體科技業務群總經理, KKCompany
企業架構師, Chunghwa Telecom Co.
Peiyuan Hsu
CEO, Laya Burger
Bruce Huang
Wayne Huang
Technical Director KDAN
Cheng Yeh Hsieh
AI Engineer KDAN
Otis Chang 張智堯
Machine Learning Assistant Manager, Vyin AI, Gamania Group
Sean Chen 陳佑翔
Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Vyin AI, Gamania Group
Wayne Lin 林崇恩
Machine Learning Engineer, Vyin AI, Gamania Group
Kevin Chen
ML Application Team Lead KKday
Kenny Hsiao
Tech Lead, PranaQ
Jianda Chien
Security Manager, PranaQ
York Tsai
Principal Research Engineer, (1111 Project Technical Lead)
Enrest Chiang
Director of Product and Technology Integration, PAFERS Tech
Nicole Wu
技術策略發展 Manager, 104
Bruce Sun
技術策略發展 Sr. Cloud Dev. Engineer, 104
Vince Chen
Senior DevOps Engineer Vyond
Monken Wu
Sr. Backend Engineer Gogolook



2024 AWS 台灣雲端高峰會 第一日議程
2024 AWS 台灣雲端高峰會 第二日議程
  • Track 1:企業應用
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      Room 201DEF
     Session Level 200
    Attention Is All You Need – Practical Implementations of Agent (featuring AIC)

    Sharon Chien, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
    Jack Chen, Acer AI Cloud, Cloud Solutions Strategist

    In the future, we will work closely with Agents. From the case of stable diffusion, a powerful agent has instead become a rather high entry barrier. Apart from the auxiliary prompts needed due to the immaturity of the model itself, all prompts can be seen as options. Faced with so many options, it is a burden for the average user. Good collaboration is built on clear roles and responsibilities. We should not have to scour forums to find a magic command to work with an Agent, nor can we send a prompt Engineer as an assistant. So, how should an Agent be designed to be both focused and flexible?

     14:20 - 15:00
      Room 201DEF
     Session Level 300
    Harnessing AI/ML & Generative AI in the Media Streaming Business (featuring KKCompany)

    Ray Wang, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
    李卓軒 Kevin C.H. Lee, 科科科技集團多媒體科技業務群 總經理

    Media streaming market in Japan has gone through a huge wave of digital innovation, from Paid video, subscribed streaming platforms, to free ad based streaming, and online linear channels. Now following the explosion of GenAI, streaming platforms has to keep up with thier applications as well.
    KKCompany with their proficency in AWS, AI/ML, and especially Elemental. has been operating and hosting one of the largest OTT platforms in JP for their majority shareholder KDDI. How would this trend and wave of technology translate to the streaming platform, and how does KK implement for their own platform.

     15:10 - 15:40
      Room 201DEF
     Session Level 200
    翻轉雲端 AI 數位轉型 - AWS 多元企業應用服務與解決方案
    How AI is changing the way digital models work in the cloud

    James Kuo, Senior Director, Nextlink

    講者將探討 AI 如何徹底改變雲端服務模式,並強調 AI 在多元應用服務與解決方案中的重要性,包括自動化數據處理、增強客戶體驗以及提升運營效率。
    此外,講者將介紹 AI 驅動的創新技術,如何優化雲端基礎設施,以及在醫療、金融和教育等領域中的應用實例。
    最後,講座將討論 AI 在數據安全與隱私保護方面的挑戰與對策,並強調跨領域合作的重要性,以實現 AI 與雲端技術的最大潛力。

    AI lets companies  enhance their online operations and Bedrock ensures the data stays under your control.
    AI has many applications’ services and solutions that suit diverse requirements.
    Benefits range from faster data processing, more intelligent decision making and personalised customer services.
    We will examine how AI is boosting operational effectiveness in the provision of personalized offerings and how companies can ensure their data is safe while using AI.

     15:55 - 16:35
      Room 201DEF
     Session Level 200
    中華電信利用 Amazon Bedrock 生成式 AI 平台建立創新服務, 打造百工百業智能應用 (featuring 中華電信)

    Edward Doong, Solutions architect, AWS
    陳奕丞, 企業架構師, 中華電信

    中華電信的 AI 布局將從服務提供者及自身導入兩個層面來切入,以算法、算力、資料為核心,在公司內部體系全員導入 AI 思維下,善用 AI 讓工作更有效率,引發更多創新點子和服務模式,打造數位生態系來賦能自身與客戶。中華電信已與 AWS 深度合作,在生成式 AI 領域加速展開了多項重要的驗證計畫 (Catalyst)。中華電信持續與 AWS 深度合作,發展生成式 AI 技術,提供更高效、個性化的客戶體驗,在逐步建立領先優勢的將來,擴展不同產業和市場的應用。

     16:45 - 17:25
      Room 201DEF
     Session Level 300
    Leveraging AI-Powered AWS Solutions for Enterprise Innovation

    Jhen-Wei Huang, Principal Solutions Architect, Hi-Tech Electronics & Semiconductor, AWS

    We will introduce how AI-powered AWS solutions drive enterprise innovation for design & verification, manufacturing intelligence and new product development. AI-enabled design and verification enhance the accuracy and efficiency of product designs and simulations, reducing time-to-market. Manufacturing intelligence optimizes production processes, improves quality control, and minimizes downtime. New product development benefits from AI-driven insights and analytics, accelerating innovation and improving product performance. By utilizing AWS's comprehensive suite of AI tools and services, businesses in the high-tech electronics and semiconductor industries can modernize their IT infrastructure, streamline operations, and achieve significant competitive advantages.

  • Track 2:產業專家
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 100
    The Path to AI Transformation: The Smart Future of the Brunch Industry (featuring Laya Burger)
    拉亞漢堡數位轉型之路:早午餐產業的智慧化未來 (featuring Laya Burger)

    Ellen Chung, Territory Business Development Manager, AWS
    Peiyuan Hsu, CEO, Laya Burger

    AI/ML is no longer a buzzword only used by big tech companies. Businesses at any scale can be improved and innovate with AI/ML. Still, many business and IT leaders struggle to adopt AI/ML to solve real business challenges. In this session, we invite the local Taiwanese brunch brand, Laya Burger, to showcase how they transform from a traditional organization to a data driven entity. Giving an authentic sharing on how AI/ML technology play as an important role to unleash prospering business potentials.

     14:20 - 15:00
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 200
    Generative AI x MLOps at Enterprise scale to create new vision for HAPPY GO (featuring HAPPY GO 鼎鼎聯合行銷)

    Jamie Kuo, Solutions Architect, AWS
    Bruce Huang, CDO, HAPPY GO 鼎鼎聯合行銷

    HAPPY GO 藉助 AWS 生成式 AI Amazon Bedrock 發展業務的無限可能,不只節省人力,更能做到人工作業無法做到的業務。結合 Amazon SageMaker 為核心打造企業的 MLOps 平台,負責整合管理 HAPPY GO 各式各樣的 AI 需求。並針對特定的業務場景有效導入 AWS 託管式的 AI 服務,快速帶來業務效益,直接享受 AI 帶來的優勢。

     15:10 - 15:40
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 200
    Introduction to solutions for improving hybrid cloud network resilience

    Steve Xie, Solutions Architect, Chunghwa Telecom

    開場介紹雲原生 VPN 接取解決方案選項,接續提出以 AWS Transit Gateway 搭配 Equal-Cost Multi-Path routing (ECMP) 之混合雲網路韌性提升解決方案,並帶出在使用 BGP 動態路由下,AWS Direct Connect (AWS DX) 以及 Site-to-Site VPN 之混合電路搭配比較。

     15:55 - 16:35
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 100
    Revolutionizing Video Surveillance: Leveraging AWS to Build and Scale VIVOTEK's VORTEX VSaaS Platform (featuring VIVOTEK)
    雲端革新: VIVOTEK 如何借助 AWS 加速 VORTEX 智慧型雲端安防服務的推出 (featuring VIVOTEK)

    Kevin Su, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
    范姜士武 Diro, 副處長, VIVOTEKInc. 晶睿通訊策略事業處

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) makes it easy to securely connect a wide array of devices to the cloud, enabling seamless interaction with other cloud-based applications and devices. You can ingest camera feeds, perform analysis and intelligent searches on video content, and extract insights or enhance user experiences through generative AI. VIVOTEK, a global provider of IP security solutions, will share why they chose AWS as the cloud platform for their hybrid video surveillance-as-a-service solution, VORTEX. This innovative system integrates video management services, AI-enabled cameras, and cloud backup features to offer customers centralized remote monitoring capabilities, real-time notifications, and advanced object recognition technology.

     16:45 - 17:25
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 300
    AWS Outposts 助力富果實現超低延遲的台股即時行情串流 (featuring Fugle)

    James Chan, AWS
    Anyway Yeh, CEO, Fugle

    This session will include an introduction to the Fugle company, the utilization of AWS Outposts to achieve low latency requirements, an overview of AWS Outposts, and prospects with AWS moving forward.

  • Track 3:生成式 AI(Day 1)
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 100
    Innovating with Generative AI on AWS

    Shih-Yong Wang, Mgr, Solutions Architecture, AWS

    From startups to enterprises, organizations of all sizes are getting started with generative AI. They want to capitalize on this new technology and translate the momentum from betas, prototypes, and demos to real-world innovations and productivity gains. With enterprise-grade security and privacy, leading foundation models, a data-first approach, and the most performant, low-cost infrastructure, AWS is trusted to deliver generative AI-fueled innovation. In this session, learn how new generative AI services and capabilities like Amazon Bedrock and Amazon Q can help deliver business value across key use cases to enhance employee productivity, improve customer engagement, and build new, differentiated experiences.

     14:20 - 15:00
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 200
    Strategic Quality Control Approach to LLMs Output (featuring KDAN)

    Tsu-Yi Li, Solutions Architect, AWS
    Wayne Huang, Technical Director, KDAN
    Cheng-Yeh Hsieh, AI Engineer, KDAN

    This session will analyze how to integrate large language model with existing business processes when developing generative AI applications. Under the premise of security and compliance, we will strategically control model/orchestrate application process or even fine tune model so that the we can meets expectations and satisfies business goals. We also invite KDAN to share their experience about Contract Generation project which is powered by generative AI. Helping you seize opportunities in the wave of digital transformation.

     15:10 - 15:40
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 100
    MongoDB Atlas 結合 AWS 引領生成式 AI 應用程式未來
    Build Generative AI-powered apps with MongoDB Atlas on AWS

    Silver Su, Senior Solution Architect, MongoDB

    深入了解 MongoDB Atlas 在 AWS 上如何讓組織加速生成式 AI 應用開發、超越生成內容精準度,獲取專屬資料持續學習!本次演講中,我們將介紹 MongoDB Atlas 向量搜尋與文檔模型的強力結合,以及 MongoDB Atlas 與 AWS 之間的協同效應,引領生成式 AI 新境界!

    Learn how MongoDB Atlas on AWS enables organizations to accelerate the development of generative AI apps, enhance the accuracy of generated content, and leverage proprietary data for continuous learning. In this talk, we’ll cover the power of MongoDB Atlas Vector Search and the document model for generative AI, as well as the synergy between MongoDB Atlas and AWS.

     15:55 - 16:35
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 200
    Generative AI and Intellectual Property: A New Era of Innovation and Partnership (featuring Gamania)

    Howard Hsiung, Territory Business Development Manager, AWS
    Otis Chang, Machine Learning Asistant Manager, Vyin AI, Gamania Group
    Sean Chen, Senior Machine Learning Engineer, Vyin AI, Gamania Group
    Wayne Lin, Machine Learning Engineer, Vyin AI, Gamania Group

    Generative AI overwhelms us with its capability and possibility, which realizes our imagination, fuels our productivity and also brings us challenges.
    VyinAI is forming a new model of partnership with IP holders by leveraging generative AI and customized training methodologies. VyinAI amplifies features on audio, image and personalization to provide an unique and extraordinary experience of fan engagement. With the authorization of IP holders, VyinAI is applied to cloning idol voice, manufacturing customized merchandise with AI image styling trained on IP content, and generating personalized AI avatars upon mobile app user behavior. Simultaneously, IP holders are benefited with diverse revenue streams from VyinAI integrating generative AI capabilities into intellectual property. VyinAI sees the potential of the proposed new business model and is ready to pursue success together with its customers.

     16:45 - 17:25
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 300
    Revolutionizing Search Experiences through Graph and RAG: KKday's Journey with Amazon Neptune and Amazon Bedrock (featuring KKday)

    Michelle Hong, Prototyping SA, AWS
    Kevin Chen, ML Application Team Lead, KKday

    (1) Discover how KKday revolutionized search experiences by combining Amazon Neptune and RAG. (2) Explore their journey in building a knowledge graph with Neptune, modeling complex product relationships for enhanced search relevance. (3) Uncover the synergy of integrating Amazon Neptune with Amazon Bedrock's RAG models, enabling improved query understanding and result accuracy through generative AI (4) Sharing the outcome of graph and generative AI in delivering intelligent and personalized search result.

  • Track 4:資訊安全
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    Seeing the Future: Transforming Automotive Risk Management with Generative AI (featuring VicOne)
    透過生成式 AI 看未來:汽車行業風險管理的變革之路 (featuring VicOne)

    Scott Liao, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
    Ian Chu, Architect, VicOne

    Generative AI is revolutionizing various industries. Through a more human-centric interface, it can organize and consolidate vast amounts of information and deliver it to users in an appropriate way. This also includes how to use cybersecurity products. For vehicle systems, each vehicle is composed of multiple electronic control components (ECU) and is connected in series with multiple backend services. It is a big challenge for managers to quickly grasp the vehicle’s event and potential risks on a security operation center platform.

    By combining human-led investigations with AI-assisted analysis, we not only can provide security risk insights that are more closely aligned with natural language, but also allows managers to quickly understand the vehicle status and potential cyber risks with the minimal interaction cost. We are also exploring the possibility of GenAI in analyzing malicious events and program code weakness, and further reshaping our vulnerability scanning products; using AI, we can enable it to consider the special context of the automotive environment, conduct more accurate scans of automotive software, and providing vulnerability mitigation or fix recommendations that are more effective and more appropriate for the target vehicle environment. It comprehensively ensures the robustness and performance requirements of vehicle cybersecurity and can also for the increasingly booming smart vehicle information security needs.

     14:20 - 15:00
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    AWS Security Incident Response Foundations: The Logging Perspective (featuring Trend Micro)
    DFIR 背後的無名英雄:以日誌建構 AWS 安全事故回應的基石 (featuring Trend Micro)

    Ken Lee, Security Consultant, AWS
    Dylan Wu, Technical Consultant, Trend Micro CSIRT

    Logs play a vital role in Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR). In this session, AWS Professional Services and Trend Micro CSIRT will share insights from real-world cloud DFIR collaborations. We will present detailed guidelines and actionable steps for effectively preparing for and managing incidents. This session will equip attendees with practical strategies to enhance their incident response capabilities in AWS environments by drawing on our experience.

     15:10 - 15:40
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    驅動 AI 未來:資料安全與法規依循的新思維

    Aloysius Chang, Prisma Cloud Solutions Architect, Palo Alto Networks

    在 AI 技術迅速發展的背景下,資料安全與法規的重要性愈加凸顯。本場次將深入探討如何在雲原生環境中有效管理和保護資料,防止洩露和違規風險。我們將介紹先進的安全解決方案,包括自動化資料分類、風險識別和回應策略,幫助企業在複雜的多雲環境中保持敏捷與安全。透過真實案例與最新市場洞察,我們將展示如何運用創新技術驅動企業數位轉型,迎接 AI 未來的挑戰與機遇。

     15:55 - 16:25
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    容器安全簡介 - 基本最佳實踐
    Intro to Container Security Basic Best Practices

     Jon Tan, Senior Sales Engineer, Datadog 

    容器無所不在!容器技術(如 Kubernetes 等)正在迅速普及,這主要是因為它們極大地簡化了應用程式的打包和部署。然而,這種便利性帶來了哪些權衡,特別是在安全性方面呢?
    Containers are everywhere! The rapid adoption of containers (and related technologies like Kubernetes) is due in large part to how easy they have made packaging and deploying applications. But what tradeoffs does this convenience come with, especially with regards to security?
    In this presentation, we’ll take a look at how containers work and discuss the security risks they introduce. I’ll provide practical examples of how you can protect your containerized workloads, so that you can enjoy convenience and safety.

     16:45 - 17:25
      Room 102
     Session Level 300
    Building Compliance ML IoT Device by AWS Control Tower (featuring PranaQ)
    透過 AWS Control Tower 建構合規的 ML 驅動聯網分析裝置 (featuring PranaQ)

    Eddy Chen, Cloud Architect, Professional Service, AWS
    Kenny Chen, Tech Lead, PranaQ
    Jianda Chien, Security Manager, PranaQ

    In this session, explore how control tower can reinforce cloud environment to satisfy authority control and compliance requirement in highly regulated area. Through showcasing the authentic security adoption example of modern healthcare device, we will demonstrate how to address common security challenges found in pragmatic world. Learn patterns for enabling control tower early in the development lifecycle, applying security at all layers of your applications, enforcing API security, implementing secure coding practices, and more. Join this session to enhance your security posture.

  • Track 5:資料洞察
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 300
    Audience Targeting and Creative Optimization in the Cookieless World (featuring ClickForce)
    CLICKFORCE 在 Cookieless 時代無縫結合生成式 AI 實現精準行銷 (featuring ClickForce)

    CK Wang, Sr. HKT DB Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS
    趙威典, 數據產品開發副理, ClickForce
    徐捷耀, 資料科學家, ClickForce

    In the cookieless era, reaching the last mile of RMN poses challenges, such as diminished ad targeting precision and hindered cookie matching. This session explores multiFORCE's IdentityNet solution, which leverages a unified user identification database to validate and compare various identification methods. Learn how this approach addresses the need for flexible data ingestion, fast query times, and scalability, while reducing costs. Gain insights into multiFORCE's experience in implementing this solution on Amazon DynamoDB and Amazon SageMaker, which improved query speed by 30% and lowered per-query costs by 20%.
    This session also explores the power of AI-generated copy tailored to specific user segments, enabling highly personalized and engaging content across platforms. Learn strategies to leverage Bedrock for crafting compelling short descriptions and precise audience targeting, driving impactful results for your marketing initiatives.

     14:20 - 15:00
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 200
    Build a Data Foundation to Fuel Generative AI

    Cathy Lai, Lead, TWN SSO, AWS

    Data has long been considered a strategic asset by organizations, but generative AI puts a renewed emphasis on the importance of a data strategy. Whether you are building your own model or customizing a foundation model, your data is a key differentiator for generative AI, so you need a data strategy that supports relevant, high-quality data. In this session, learn about the data tools that can fuel your generative AI strategy and the common data patterns required to transform your generative AI application from a generic tool to a program that truly knows your business and your customer.

     15:10 - 15:40
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 200
    Exploring Enterprise Data with Generative AI to Create New Business Value
    利用生成式 AI 探索企業資料 創造新的商業價值

    Jason Chou, Senior Technical Director, Netron

    探討如何運用生成式 AI 從企業的文件、影音圖片等多種資料中發掘洞察,該通過自然語言查詢資料庫。最後定制化的知識管理解決方案,讓企業更精確獲取數據洞察,實現業務流程優化和創新,從而創造新的商業價值。

     15:55 - 16:35
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 300
    Enhancing Search and Recommendations at 1111 Job Bank with Vector Capabilities in OpenSearch Service (featuring 1111 &

    Gavin Lin, TW Analytic Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS
    York Tsai, Principal Research Engineer and 1111 Project Technical Lead

    1111 Job Bank has significantly enhanced their job search and recommendation functionalities by integrating Amazon Personalize, Amazon Bedrock, and Amazon OpenSearch Service. To address the challenge of cold start users who have limited recent click events, 1111 Job Bank employs a strategy that matches job descriptions with user resumes. By utilizing the OpenSearch vector engine to perform vector searches on embeddings generated by Amazon Bedrock, 1111 Job Bank delivers high-quality semantic job recommendations and search results. This integration has led to a notable increase in customer satisfaction.

     16:45 - 17:25
      3F 宴會廳
     Session Level 300
    Dive Deep into Different AWS DMS Migration Options
    深入探討 AWS Database Migration Service 遷移方案

    Johnny Yu, Sr. Cloud Support DBE, AWS

    This session will provide an overview of the various options offered by AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) to enable migration of databases to AWS. It will cover DMS Fleet Advisor which provides recommendations to optimize database migrations, database migration tasks to migrate databases to AWS, the benefit of serverless replication, SCT(schema conversion tool) to convert source schema to match the target, and the use cases of migration project. The session aims to equip the audience with a clear understanding of the capabilities of DMS so they can develop an effective database migration strategy using the tools available in DMS.

  • Track 6:全應用平台
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    Transform your Contact Center Using Generative AI in Amazon Connect

    Wayne Huang, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS

    New generative AI capabilities in Amazon Connect are helping businesses reimagine customer, agent, and manager experiences to improve business outcomes. With a one-stop optimization suite, Amazon Connect helps you continuously improve with generative AI–powered agent assistance, augmented conversational analytics to uncover trends and automatically identify agent coaching opportunities, automated customer profile generation, and improved chatbot design and self-service experiences. Join this session to learn how new built-in generative AI capabilities in Amazon Connect can enhance your contact center and customer experience.

     14:20 - 15:00
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    AWS for VMware: Transforming People, Process, and Technology

    James Tsai, Sr. Enterprise Program Manager, AWS

    Choosing the right cloud destination to run and operate your VMware-based workloads is a critical decision point for your business. Join this session to learn how AWS is partnering with our customers to navigate this journey with the right mix of migration, modernization, and innovation to meet your business goals today and in the future. From purpose-built services that offer prescriptive guidance for rapid migration and modernization to specialized programs to train and upskill your teams, AWS and our partners are committed to helping you transform your VMware environments.

     15:10 - 15:50
      Room 102
     Session Level 300
    The Architecture Design and Best Practice of SaaS Multi-tenancy Patterns for LLM

    Howard Su, Solutions Architect, AWS
    Kerrigan Lin, Solutions Architect, AWS

    Supporting AI/ML and generative AI in a SaaS environment requires teams to take on a range of multi-tenant challenges. Providers need to consider how tenants are mapped to models, how inferencing is scaled for tenants, how solutions are integrated with other AI/ML services, and how LLMs are tuned to meet tenant-specific needs. In this session, dig into these intersections between multi-tenancy and AI/ML, including the common design, performance, isolation, and experience challenges that come with making AI/ML part of your SaaS offering. Learn to identify the patterns and strategies to consider when applying AI/ML and generative AI in a SaaS environment.

     15:55 - 16:35
      Room 102
     Session Level 400
    Generative AI Meets SaaS: Fine-tuning Multi-tenancy with Amazon Bedrock & Amazon SageMaker

    Peter Yang, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS

    Learn key strategies for seamless tenant isolation, resource optimization, and scalability, empowering your organization to effectively cater to varied tenant needs without compromising performance or security. Gain insights into the architectural considerations, challenges, and solutions for building a robust, multi-tenant fine-tuning platform on AWS. In this session, we will discuss how to leverage Amazon Bedrock and Amazon SageMaker to build a scalable, multi-tenant fine-tuning architecture for your AI/ML models.

     16:45 - 17:25
      Room 102
     Session Level 200
    Use Generative AI to Guide Your SaaS Business Journey (featuring PAFERS Tech.)

    Joey Wu, Solutions Architect, AWS
    Ernest Chiang, Director of Product & Technology Integration at PAFERS Tech.

    Introduce a strategic framework guiding SaaS companies through critical business preparations. We'll outline key activities for various company profiles, also demonstrate an LLM-powered chatbot with RAG, showcasing how AI can leverage this framework to support SaaS product delivery. Attendees will gain practical insights from PAFERS and learn how they navigating the SaaS journey and building successful products with this tool.

  • Track 7:開發者生產力
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      Room 201ABC
     Session Level 200
    Supercharge Software Development with Amazon Q Developer

    Cliff Lu, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS

    Generative AI has the power to help you reimagine the way that developers and organizations learn, plan, create, deploy, and securely manage applications. Across the software development lifecycle—from architecting to developing, testing, deploying, and maintaining applications—generative AI developer tools save time, automate undifferentiated heavy lifting, and create space for innovation and creativity. Learn how AWS is innovating responsibly to deliver tools such as Amazon Q so that builders can focus on meaningful work that drives impact for their customers.

     14:20 - 15:00
      Room 201ABC
     Session Level 200
    Achieving Effective Governance and Cost Optimization on AWS (featuring 104)

    Tsu-YI Li, Solutions Architect, AWS
    Nicole Wu, 技術策略發展 Manager, 104
    Bruce Sun, 技術策略發展 Sr. Cloud Dev. Engineer, 104

    In this session, we will explore through methodologies and case studies how enterprises can achieve efficient governance and cost savings on AWS. First, we will introduce continuous observation of system and billing status, helping enterprises grasp real-time data for timely response. Next, we will dive into how the Cloud Center of Excellence (CCoE) can effectively manage and centralize resource costs, ensuring maximum resource utilization and approach to best practices, utilizing resources when needed and saving when possible. In a more systematic, comprehensive and efficient manner, we will help enterprises improve cloud operations efficiency and maximize return on investment.

     15:10 - 15:40
      Room 102
     Session Level 300
    借助 AWS 生成式 AI:自我修復程式碼,開發效能提升
    Leverage Generative AI for Self-Healing Code on AWS

    Rich Guo 郭賦昱, Solutions Architect, eCloudvalley

    在生成式人工智慧(Generative AI)的驅動下,我們能夠利用 AWS 平台,自動化修復程式碼的架構設計,透過這項技術,我們能夠有效提升軟體開發的效率與系統韌性。特別是在快速迭代的開發環境中,這一解決方案不僅能夠大幅縮短除錯時間,還能讓開發團隊更專注於創新與應用的發展。本演講將深入探討生成式 AI 如何在 AWS 上自動修復程式碼,以及其對開發流程和最終產品質量的積極影響。

     15:55 - 16:35
      Room 201ABC
     Session Level 300
    Accelerate DevOps with Generative AI and Amazon CodeCatalyst

    Donnie Li, Sr. Cloud Support Engineer, AWS

    In this session, see a demo of the newest generative AI features in Amazon CodeCatalyst. Learn how you can input simple instructions to produce ready-to-use code, automatically adjust infrastructure, and update CI/CD workflows. Explore how you can generate concise summaries of intricate pull requests. Join this session to see firsthand how these practical additions to CodeCatalyst simplify application delivery, improve team collaboration, and speed up the software development lifecycle from concept to deployment. Discover the groundbreaking impact that AI can have on DevOps through the lens of CodeCatalyst.

     16:45 - 17:25
      Room 201ABC
     Session Level 400
    Best Practices for Serverless Developers

    Shawn Zhang, Cloud Native Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS

    Do you want to take advantage of the full power of serverless architectures for your production workloads? Are you wondering how events can help your applications scale? Have you been trying to tune your applications for higher performance and lower cost? This session provides architectural best practices, optimizations, and useful shortcuts that experts use to build secure, high-scale, and high-performance serverless applications.

  • Track 8:生成式 AI(Day 2)
  •  13:30 - 14:10
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 200
    Unleash Stable Diffusion’s Potential: AWS Inferentia2 Boosts Performance and Reduces Costs (featuring Vyond)

    Eunice Tsao, TW ML Specialist SA, AWS
    Vince Chen, Senior DevOps Engineer, Vyond

    Vyond, a global video creation platform, leveraged AWS to introduce Vyond Go—a generative AI-powered text-to-image service that produces high-quality videos in seconds. By running Stable Diffusion, a text-to-image model, on Amazon EC2 Inf2 instances, Vyond Go turns text prompts into videos at 20% lower cost, enabling enterprises to transform text prompts into videos in just 30 seconds while ensuring security and compliance with data privacy regulations.

     14:20 - 15:00
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 200
    Strengthen your Security Posture with AWS

    Young Yang, Sr Manager, HKT SSA, AWS

    Both Generative AI and security are evolving and revolutionizing at a fast pace each month. Generative AI brings a lot of new changes and challenges for model providers and model consumers. On one end, we are interested in developing intelligent systems that can learn to protect computers from attacks and identify security problems automatically. On the other end, hackers also use these new technologies to develop new attacks. In this session, we will cover:

    1. What is Security Posture? and Why is it important?
    2. How to improve cloud security posture?
    3. How to safely use generative AI (Blue Team)
    4. How to defend against new generative AI impacts (Red Team)
    5. Closing & Takeaway

     15:10 - 15:40
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 100
    BMC ServiceOps 運用人工智慧將服務與維運管理互相整合,加速數位轉型

    JJ Lee, 資深技術顧問 Senior Solution Engineer, BMC

     15:55 - 16:35
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 200
    Transforming Industries with Generative AI: Gogolook's Journey in Anti-Scam (featuring Gogolook)

    Wayne Huang, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS
    Monken Wu, Sr. Backend Engineer, Gogolook

    The global scam problem is escalating, with losses surpassing $10 billion in 2023, a 14% rise from 2022*. This alarming trend underscores the need for more effective and timely scam detection methods. Gogolook, in collaboration with AWS, utilizes generative AI to help users identify scams. The AI, leveraging Whoscall's comprehensive scam database, swiftly determines if the LINE/SMS message is fraudulent, helping prevent potential financial losses. Join our session for engineers and innovators to explore integrating Generative AI into new product features. Discover how this technology enhances user experience and fortifies security measures. *Data from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) report.

     16:45 - 17:25
      3F 大會堂
     Session Level 200
    Utilizing Generative AI and Sigma Rules to Speed Up Cloud Incident Response and Cloud-Native SIEM

    Tim Yeh, HKT Security Specialist SA, AWS
    Kuo-Shih Huang, Cloud Support, AWS

    In this session, we will discuss utilizing OpenSearch as a SIEM solution on AWS. We will also explore how OpenSearch's new feature -- security analytics and Sigma rules can assist us in incident response. Finally, we will talk about how Generative AI (GenAI) can help in security analytics and incident response, its limitations, and successful approaches.

Level 100 初級


Level 200 中級


Level 300 高級

課程將深入說明服務特色、經驗分享、部署及架構範例。參與此課程,需對 AWS 服務及 AWS 平台有深入的了解。

7 月 23 日(二)

雲端趨勢 企業決策


08:30 - 09:30

09:30 - 09:40
Welcome and Opening Address
Robert Wang 王定愷
Managing Director, AWS Taiwan and Hong Kong
行政院 副院長

09:40 - 10:20
Keynote 1
總經理, 中華電信股份有限公司
Dan Kochpatcharin
Head of Ecosystem and Alliance Management Division, TSMC 台灣積體電路製造股份有限公司
Robert Wang 王定愷
Managing Director, AWS Taiwan and Hong Kong

10:20 - 11:00
Keynote 2
Ricky L. Freeman
President, Amazon Kuiper Solutions, LLC

11:00 - 12:00
Panel Discussion: Navigating Talent Strategy in the Generative AI Era
數位發展部 部長
Robert Wang 王定愷
Managing Director, AWS Taiwan and Hong Kong

12:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 17:30

7 月 24 日(三)

雲端技能 技術開發


09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30
Welcome and Opening Address
Robert Wang 王定愷
Managing Director, AWS Taiwan and Hong Kong

10:30 - 11:30
Keynote 1
Martin Beeby
Principal Technical Keynote Lead, AWS
國泰金控 數數發中心 數據暨人工智慧發展部 協理
Yimin Kao
Director of Data and Artificial Intelligence, Gogolook

11:30 - 12:00
Keynote 2
Sherry Marcus, Ph. D.
Director, Bedrock Science, AWS

12:00 - 13:30

13:30 - 17:30


生成式 AI 專區(AI Zone)


豐富的互動遊戲和產業導覽,您不僅能聆聽專家深入解說 AWS AI 技術,還能親自體驗多種 AI 應用,全面感受生成式 AI 的強大與創新。

此專區將為您展示 AWS 生成式 AI 的最新成果,包括 Amazon Bedrock 及全新的 Amazon Q 服務,在現場立即使用 AWS AI 服務開發創新應用,就算無基礎也能踏出生成式 AI 的第一步。

Startup Loft 新創專區

你是十年內的新創公司嗎?如果您想建立自己的事業,或是與其他新創公司有更深入的交流,歡迎來到專屬於新創人的區域 Startup Loft,您可以在這諮詢新創專屬計畫,或是向 AWS 新創專家詢問問題,並跟同為新創公司成員的參加者深度交流,現場諮詢並申請 AWS Activate 新創計畫,就有機會獲得 AWS 新創專屬帆布袋

Developer Lounge 開發者交流短講區

為開發者和技術專才量身打造的精彩短講專區,不僅提供學習機會,更是交流休憩的理想空間。在此,您可與各領域的 AWS 專家進行深度對談,同時與其他開發者切磋交流,拓展您的雲端技術視野,汲取寶貴知識。


7 月 23 日(二)

 13:00 – 13:30

黃薇如, Global Language Director, AWS Support
林嘉仁, AWS 資深營運經理

 14:00 – 14:30

Michelle Lin, AWS 資深培訓經理
Gordon Wei
, iKala 解決方案架構師經理
Ray Lin
, 艾芙詩系統顧問有限公司 營運長暨資安長 AWS Security Hero
, 聯合聚晶股份有限公司 財務暨人資副理 AWS Community Builder

 14:40 – 15:10
運用 AWS 生成式 AI 服務實現倍速軟體開發

Andre Lee, Director of R&D Dept., Gamania
Teddy Wu, Site Reliability Engineer, R&D Dept., Gamania
Paul Lu, Sr. Solution Architect, AWS

 15:30 – 16:00
保護你的 LLM 應用程式:使用 Amazon Comprehend 防堵 PII 洩漏

Shawn Tsai, Architect, Trend Micro

 16:30 – 17:00
104 人力銀行擴展 AWS 技術卓越之路:架構演進與開發者賦能發展歷程

Scott Hsieh, 資料架構師 104 資訊科技 AWS Data Hero


7 月 24 日(三)

 13:00 – 13:30
AWS 文化:每個人都是領導者

林姿安, AWS 資深業務開發經理
錢佳萱, AWS 資深解決方案架構師

 14:00 – 14:30
從 0 到 1 考取 AWS 證照 雲端技能如何改變職涯

Carol Chen, AWS 業務開發經理
AWS Educate Cloud Ambassador
Tony Wang
Yuna Lin
Shiun Chiu
Richie Liu
Ruby Cheng

 14:40 – 15:10
用 AWS Copilot 輕鬆上手 Amazon ECS

賴怡玲, 後端技術導師 & 「Docker 實戰 6 堂課」作者

 15:30 – 16:00
無伺服器智能 IT 支援: 使用 Amazon Bedrock 和 Amazon Aurora Serverless 建立能自我學習的內部 IT 支援機器人

Gabriel Koo, AWS Community Builder from Hong Kong

 16:30 – 17:00
構建未來:企業生成式 AI 實戰策略與開發工具

Xia Chang, AWS 企業策略師


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AI 技能加速實戰區 Hands-on Zone

探索「 AI 技能加速實戰區」即時提升 AI 實戰能力,掌握未來核心競爭力!

在 Amazon Bedrock playground 中,您將學會運用頂尖 AI 模型,實現長文摘要、文本翻譯生成、圖像創作等多樣化應用。以及透過 Amazon Q QuickSight,掌握 AI 驅動的數據分析技能,從複雜數據中提取洞察,創建智能儀表板。體驗 AI 對話、自然語言查詢、智能預測等前沿技術。

在「 AI 技能加速實戰區」完成指定任務,即可獲得大會集點,更有機會贏得「AWS探險家」專屬禮品 — AWS 質感電腦包!

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免費註冊 AWS 帳號,領取獨家好禮

新戶註冊 AWS 帳號,即享 AWS 免費方案,可探索超過 100 種 AWS 的產品與服務,還能加碼領取獨家贈品!