Sold by: NTT DATA ServicesÂ
Automate provisioning of infrastructure pattern in ServiceNow catalog
Sold by: NTT DATA ServicesÂ
Shrink the time-consuming process of requesting, approving, and provisioning cloud infrastructure from weeks to minutes and expedite developer productivity and efficiency with SnowForm. This ServiceNow and HashiCorp Terraform integration allows your engineers to select from a predefined list of infrastructures that meet your cost control and governance guidelines. Utilizing AWS serverless technology and GitHub to build and deploy infrastructures, developers can eliminate time spent provisioning cloud resources and get right to developing innovative new products.
What We Deliver/Deliverables:
- All code stored in your Git repositories. When change is checked into a repository, a service catalog item is either created or updated in ServiceNow and immediately available.
- Knowledge transfer that includes architecture diagrams, documentation, demo sessions, and workshops
- Self-service portal that allows developers to order a desired application pattern, built and deployed to AWS in less than an hour.
- Automate heavily manual processes while taking advantage of existing enterprise installs of ServiceNow and Terraform.
- Reduce time to innovation by 99% by leveraging existing ServiceNow workflows for requesting infrastructure.
- Improve operation efficiency and security audits by deploying approved configuration of infrastructure.
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