Co-browsing: The Need
Would it be great if an agent was able to chat or talk to your customer on the phone as the customer was browsing your website? The agent could then help the digital customer shop, resolve problems, fill an online form, or perform other transactions. Cobrowsing software is a business answer to exactly that need.
eGain Cobrowse™: True and unique co-browsing software for digital customer support
eGain Cobrowse offers true cobrowsing, not just screen-sharing or proxy-server-based technologies. The unique cobrowse software enables your customer service and contact center agents to offer, in the most human way possible, the digital support online customers need. It allows agents to provide high-value, collaborative, real-time support. By offering assistance exactly at the time of need, your business can convert website visitors - customers and prospects - into profitable, long-term customers.