AWS Open Source Blog

Category: DevOps

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Continuous delivery with server-side Swift on AWS

Swift is a general-purpose programming language released by Apple in 2014. It aimed to provide many of the features of Objective-C, such as type safety, late binding, and dynamic dispatch, in a package that would improve developer productivity and code safety. Although Swift has been a popular replacement for Objective-C for iOS development, it is […]

re:Invent 2019 AWS Amplify session video image.

re:Cap part two – open source at re:Invent 2019

Some of the most well-attended sessions at re:Invent covered mobile and web development with GraphQL and AWS Amplify. There was plenty of new stuff to get your teeth into and a broad selection of interesting and well-thought-out workshops. Now that anyone can create construct libraries in AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK), there were also […]

Amazon Corretto Duke logo.

Amazon joins the Java Community Process (JCP)

Amazon runs thousands of Java production services; both we and our customers depend heavily on  various distributions of the JDK (Java Development Kit). In 2016 we started building Amazon Corretto, our OpenJDK binary distribution, and started using it to run AWS and other Amazon services. In 2018, we open sourced Corretto and made it available […]

architecture for a Spinnaker pipeline with Jenkins and Amazon ECR.

Build a Deployment Pipeline with Spinnaker on Kubernetes

Spinnaker is a continuous delivery platform, originally developed by Netflix, for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker makes it easier for developers to focus on writing code without having to worry about the underlying cloud infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with Jenkins and other popular build tools. In this post we will discuss on how […]

Demystifying ENTRYPOINT and CMD in Docker

中文版 – As you begin your Docker container creation journey, you might find yourself faced with a puzzling question: Should your Dockerfile contain an ENTRYPOINT instruction, a CMD instruction, or both? In this post, I discuss the differences between the two in detail, and explain how best to use them in various use cases you […]

Amazon Corretto GA.

Amazon Corretto 8 Now Generally Available

  Amazon Corretto 8, a no-cost, multiplatform, production-ready distribution of OpenJDK, is now Generally Available (Corretto 8 had been in preview since we announced it in November, 2018). Amazon runs Corretto internally on thousands of production services. We at Amazon are committed to keeping Java free. Since preview, we’ve listened to our customers and have […]

integrating Phabricator into a CI/CD pipeline.

Integrating Phabricator with AWS CodePipeline via AWS CodeCommit

中文版 Realizing true DevOps culture means implementing a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline from development to production, often integrating popular open source tools with cloud services such as AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodePipeline. In this post, Junaid Kapadia shows how to integrate Phabricator, an open source code manager, into a cloud-based CI/CD pipeline. […]

Introducing Amazon Corretto

Introducing Amazon Corretto, a No-Cost Distribution of OpenJDK with Long-Term Support

Update! Amazon Corretto became Generally Available on January 31st, 2019. Java is one of the most popular languages in use by AWS customers, and we are committed to supporting Java and keeping it free. Many of our customers have become concerned that they would have to pay for a long-term supported version of Java to […]


Announcing aws-record-generator

We are happy to announce that the aws-record-generator gem is now in Developer Preview and available for you to try. This gem allows you to generate all of your aws-record models through the Rails commandline, and we anticipate that this should greatly simplify setup time in new projects! What Is aws-record-generator? aws-record-generator, which is dependent […]