AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Generative AI


Building Reliable and Scalable Generative AI Infrastructure on AWS with Ray and Anyscale

Generative AI has lowered the barriers for many users on how foundation models (FMs) are used to transform products and experiences across industries. Ray is an open source, unified compute framework that makes it easy to scale AI and Python workloads, while provides a fully managed service and allows organizations of all sizes to accelerate building generative AI applications on AWS. Recently, open-source Ray integration with AWS machine learning accelerators was announced.


New AWS Partner Program Launches and Updates Announced at re:Invent 2023

Thank you for joining us in Las Vegas for AWS re:Invent 2023. We hope you enjoyed all of the educational content and big announcements. If you missed anything or just want to recap, we have rounded up the most relevant launches and program updates available for the AWS Partner and AWS Marketplace communities, including the AWS Partner Keynote with Ruba Borno, which showcased how AWS is improving the partner experience to guide partners to higher-value opportunities and longer-term success.

Game On! Getting the Most Out of Slalom’s Sports Fan Engagement Data Platform Accelerator

Sports organizations possess a vast amount of data about fans which can be used to generate actionable insights. The ability to send personalized marketing to fans increases satisfaction and loyalty while enabling the team to cross-sell and drive revenue. Learn how Slalom‘s fan engagement data platform accelerator ingests and presents fan data in a centralized layer and empowers organizations to focus on segmentation and insight. The platform is based upon Slalom’s experience with a Premier League football club.

The Future of Search: Exploring Generative AI Chat-Based Solutions with AWS and Slalom

In a recent webinar, Slalom and AWS showcased the incredible potential of chat-based enterprise search powered by AWS generative AI services like Amazon Bedrock. We’re excited to share key takeaways and a more in-depth exploration of the transformative landscape that chat-based search creates. Learn how technologies like Amazon Bedrock empower businesses to build intelligent chat-based interfaces that allow employees to interact with company data conversationally.


Leveraging Neo4j and Amazon Bedrock for an Explainable, Secure, and Connected Generative AI Solution

Neo4j is a graph data platform that, together with Amazon Bedrock, offers a compelling value add to any enterprise. Learn about the knowledge retrieval and extraction processes and review a couple of retrieval augmented generation (RAG) application architectures. Using Amazon Bedrock and Neo4j, you can simplify the knowledge extraction process which can be more complex and manual using traditional NLP libraries.


Introducing the Generative AI Center of Excellence for AWS Partners: The Path to AI Expertise

At AWS, we believe our partners are well-positioned to support specialized customer needs, either through providing consultative support or specialty business applications with integrated generative AI capabilities. This is why we are introducing the Generative AI Center of Excellence (CoE) for AWS Partners. It’s a digital experience open to all partners within the AWS Partner Network (APN). Learn how the CoE delivers optimized learning paths to implement generative AI solutions for customers.


Generative AI Trends and Opportunities for AWS Partners: A Conversation with McKinsey & Company

Through the newly-introduced Generative AI Center of Excellence for AWS Partners, we are excited to share perspective on many of these questions. AWS recently sat down for a Q&A session with McKinsey & Company Senior Partner Naveen Sastry to talk about generative AI opportunities and best practices in implementation. Noted in these whitepapers is the $4 trillion of economic value that could be enabled by generative AI, and the Q&A below delves into the direct implications and how companies can capture value.

How Infosys Built an Enterprise Knowledge Management Assistant Using Generative AI on AWS

A common challenge faced by many companies involves the requirement to enhance the clarity and availability of internal documents. These scenarios present significant hurdles for support teams, business users, and new members who often encounter difficulties locating the relevant documentation. This post discusses how Infosys built an enterprise knowledge management assistant using generative AI technologies on AWS.


Driving Supply Chain Operations at Speed with IBM Consulting Supply Chain Ensemble on AWS

IBM Consulting and AWS have collaborated to co-create a supply chain framework after analyzing and refining 100+ use cases, focusing on risk identification and management of exceptions. Learn how IBM Consulting Supply Chain Ensemble on AWS helps customers overcome common challenges and deliver efficiency as well as optimization within their supply chains. IBM is an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner that helps customers harness the power of innovation and drive their business transformation.

Unlocking Innovation: A Closer Look at Deloitte’s Generative AI Solutions on AWS with Amazon Bedrock

The transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) is something Amazon and Deloitte know well. With over 40 years combined experience in the AI space, these leading organizations are innovating and using AI technologies to change how businesses work, grow, and thrive. The journey continues with Amazon Bedrock, the easiest way to build and scale with foundation models (FMs), and in this post we’ll share how Deloitte can help customers benefit from AWS’s generative AI offerings.