AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon VPC


How the DuploCloud platform allows customers to build SaaS on AWS

By Andy Boutte, Principal Solutions Architect, DuploCloud       Ian Hutchinson, VP, Sales, DuploCloud       Ranjith Raman, Principal Solutions Architect, AWS SaaS Factory DuploCloud Organizations building software-as-a-service often start with a true multi-tenant model, benefiting from economies of scale that comes with sharing infrastructure resources across tenants. However, often tenants need to […]

Filter and Stream Logs from Amazon S3 Logging Buckets into Splunk Using AWS Lambda

This post showcases a way to filter and stream logs from centralized Amazon S3 logging buckets to Splunk using a push mechanism leveraging AWS Lambda. The push mechanism offers benefits such as lower operational overhead, lower costs, and automated scaling. We’ll provide instructions and a sample Lambda code that filters virtual private cloud (VPC) flow logs with “action” flag set to “REJECT” and pushes it to Splunk via a Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint.


Provisioning a Virtual Private Cloud at Scale with AWS CDK

Infrastructure as code is one of the most important concepts used with cloud solutions, and AWS CloudFormation enables IaC by deploying stacks and provisioning resources on AWS using JSON or YAML files called templates. APN Ambassador Francois Rouxel from Slalom will show you how to create a hundred VPCs in one AWS region without providing any parameters, and how to easily establish a peering connection between two of them within a single line of code.


Upgrading Your Windows OS In-Place While Migrating to AWS

If you’re upgrading from Windows Server 2008 because it’s no longer supported by Microsoft, and you’re thinking about migrating some of your workloads to the cloud, consider doing both at the same time. RiverMeadow migrates your workloads to AWS and upgrades from Windows 2008 to the latest version, or a version in between. Currently, RiverMeadow offers the in-place OS upgrade for Windows 2003 and up, and allows customers to upgrade to 2008, 2016, or 2019 versions of Windows.

How to Use Nubeva with Amazon VPC Traffic Mirroring to Gain Decrypted Visibility of Your Network Traffic

AWS has added a new feature to Amazon VPC called traffic mirroring, which is like a virtual network tap that gives you direct access to the network packets flowing through your virtual private cloud. Nubeva Technologies built a solution that directly integrates with Amazon VPC traffic mirroring to provide an out-of-band decryption solution, giving customers a surgical approach to capture and analyze network traffic on AWS.

Cloud Anything-4

Making Application Failover Seamless by Failing Over Your Private Virtual IP Across Availability Zones

One of the core principles of building highly available applications on AWS is to work with a multi-Availability Zone architecture. In the unlikely event an AZ fails, this allows applications to continue running using resources in the other AZs. Customers use different strategies to handle the routing of user traffic to different components of their applications across AZ, ranging from load balancers and Elastic IPs to Domain Name Resolution. In this post, we present an approach to achieve failover of a private IP address across AZs.

How to Backup and Recover an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with N2WS

Amazon VPCs are an essential part of any cloud-first networking strategy. Subnet and routing table configurations, along with security settings, are at risk from day-to-day operational errors. N2WS offers a backup solution that takes the guesswork and manual labor out of backing up and recovering Amazon VPC configurations, with the ability to automatically restore across AWS Regions and accounts. N2WS is an AWS Storage Competency Partner.


How to Securely Access Amazon Virtual Private Clouds Using Zscaler Private Access

When you are migrating private applications to AWS, how your users and administrators will access them needs to be considered. VPNs do not provide the granular control desired by a Zero Trust approach, as users have access to any resource on the network and not just specific resources they are granted access to. Learn how you can implement a Zero Trust approach to access applications hosted on AWS using Zscaler Private Access (ZPA).

VMware Cloud on AWS

Understanding Amazon VPC from a VMware NSX Engineer’s Perspective

With VMware Cloud on AWS, you can deploy applications in a fully-managed VMware environment. Organizations can simplify their hybrid IT operations by using the same VMware technologies—including vSphere, vSAN, NSX, and vCenter—across their on-premises datacenters and on the AWS cloud. In this post, and my follow-up, we explore the major components of Amazon VPC for engineers and architects who build and operate VMware NSX networks, and who are building solutions on VMware Cloud on AWS.

How Implementing a Real World Evidence Platform on AWS Drives Real World Business Value

Guest post by Scot Johnson, a Solution Architect for ConvergeHEALTH by Deloitte, part of Deloitte Consulting LLP’s Innovation group (DCI). In light of new laws such as the 21st Century Cures Act and evolving scientific insights, life sciences companies are being pressed to demonstrate clinical value to payers and health authorities.  As a result, life […]