AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon VPC

AWS Migration

Amazon VPC for On-Premises Network Engineers – Part 2

Editor’s note: This is the second of a popular two-part series by Nick Matthews. Read Part 1 >> By Nick Matthews, Partner Solutions Architect, CCIE #23560 In the previous post on Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), we covered the basic anatomy of a VPC and the different ways to connect a VPC to the outside world. […]

AWS Migration

Amazon VPC for On-Premises Network Engineers – Part 1

Editor’s note: This is the first of a popular two-part series by Nick Matthews. Read Part 2 >> By Nick Matthews, Partner Solutions Architect, CCIE #23560 I relate better to networking when people use words and phrases I know, such as “router on a stick,” “MPLS WAN,” and “VRF,” and then show me a packet […]