AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon RDS


Team Up with AWS Partners Validated by Database Engine Type Through the Amazon RDS Service Delivery Program

Amazon RDS customers are looking for AWS Partners with specific database engine expertise to set up, operate, and scale relational databases in the cloud. To meet this need, we are relaunching the Amazon RDS Service Delivery Program, which now validates AWS Partners by database engine type. This allows customers to identify an Amazon RDS Partner that best meets their database engine-specific migration and implementation needs.


Advanced Connection Pooling with the Heimdall Proxy

As databases are often a key component of internet infrastructure, IT departments may be challenged by poor connection management from the application. The Heimdall Proxy helps developers, database administrators, and architects horizontally scale out and optimize connections through connection pooling for Amazon Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift without any application changes. As a result, you will reduce your database instance size and support higher user counts.

Understanding Your Options for Deploying and Licensing Oracle on AWS

Oracle customers have common questions about their licensing options when considering deployment to AWS. Oracle customers who do not proactively confirm their options risk spending too much on licensing. Customers may also face an Oracle audit that could expose avoidable license compliance issues. AWS has a variety of options for customers considering deployment of Oracle to AWS. When done properly, customers can significantly optimize their Oracle license costs when deploying to the proper AWS service.


How to Proactively Monitor Amazon RDS Performance with Datadog

To proactively identify and remediate potential errors, you need deep visibility into your entire Amazon RDS environment. This post shows you how Datadog can fetch data from Amazon CloudWatch and your Amazon RDS database instances to give you a comprehensive view of your cloud environment. We also dive into how you can automatically detect performance anomalies, abnormal throughput behavior, and forecasting storage capacities.


How Swisscom Saved DroneAnalytics 60% on AWS Services by Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework

DroneAnalytics offers hardware and software solutions for drones and connected objects. The consulting services from Swisscom, based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework, enabled them to more properly monitor their consumption of AWS services. By leveraging Well-Architected best practices and working with Swisscom, DroneAnalytics saved 60 percent on their AWS spend, whilst maintaining the same or better levels of operational efficiency, reliability, and performance.

AWS Service Ready-ol

AWS Service Ready Helps Customers Find Tools and Products Integrated with Amazon RDS

The Amazon RDS Ready Program makes it easy for AWS customers to find products and solutions that integrate with Amazon RDS database engines including Amazon Aurora, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle Database, and SQL Server. Amazon RDS Ready Partners provide tooling for Amazon RDS adoption in areas like migration, performance, governance, and monitoring. They also support the use of the Amazon RDS platform as a back-end for applications deployed within a customer’s AWS account.


AWS Service Ready Helps Customers Find Validated Products That Integrate with AWS Services

Before making a purchasing decision, AWS customers tell us they want to know if a tool or application will integrate with AWS services running in their cloud environment. To meet this need for customers, we are excited to introduce AWS Service Ready. This program identifies and validates products from APN Technology Partners that integrate with specific AWS services, and recommends these products to customers.


Using the Heimdall Proxy to Split Reads and Writes for Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS

Horizontally scaling a SQL database involves separating the write-master from read-only servers. This allows the write server to perform dedicated write operations rather than processing redundant read queries. However, writing to one node and reading from another can result in inconsistent data due to synchronization delays. Heimdall Data offers a database proxy to help developers and architects achieve optimal scale from their Amazon RDS and Amazon Aurora environment without any application changes.

Why Next-Generation MSPs Need Next-Generation Monitoring

We wrote a couple of months ago about how ISVs are rapidly evolving their capabilities and products to meet the growing needs of next generation Managed Service Providers (MSPs), and we heard from Cloud Health Technologies about how they are Enabling Next-Generation MSPs with cloud management tools that span the breadth of customer engagements from […]

How We Built a SaaS Solution on AWS, by CrowdTangle

The following is a guest post from Matt Garmur, CTO at CrowdTangle, a startup and APN Technology Partner who makes it easy for you to keep track of what’s happening on social media. Enjoy! Horses were awesome. If you had a messenger service 150 years ago, using horses was so much better than the alternative, walking. […]