AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Advanced (300)


Guiding Clinical Trial Decision-making with Reliable Clinical Insights: How BluMaiden Biosciences Brings its Pharma Service to Global Clients through AWS

Therapeutic development relies on Pharma-led clinical trials with robust endpoint data. Key decision points like patient enrichment and endpoint optimization shape trial success. Advanced analytics extract insights, aiding targeted drug development and saving time and money. BluMaiden Bioscience’s AWS platform tackles data challenges, delivering valuable clinical insights globally for efficient trial design and execution.

Streamlining AWS Cloud Provisioning and Governance with ServiceNow

Learn how ServiceNow and AWS help businesses manage their AWS environments, thereby helping them achieve a successful digital transformation. ServiceNow offer tools for cost management, automated provisioning, and enhanced governance, which standardizes infrastructure management for easy navigation in the cloud.

Tenant Switching and Custom Permissions in a Multi-Tenant Serverless Application

This post presents a cost-effective, serverless multi-tenant SaaS architecture utilizing AWS managed services. Users can belong to multiple tenants via Amazon Cognito user groups, and the solution enables seamless tenant switching and allows tenants to define custom roles with Amazon DynamoDB transactions. By leveraging AWS services, the architecture provides security, isolation, custom permissions, and flexibility to scale without operational overhead.


How Exxeta Improves IT Planning with Use-Case Driven Architecture on AWS

When designing IT solutions, a one-size-fits-all approach misses opportunities for performance and cost savings. Exxeta proposes a use-case driven architecture approach that fits IT components to specific business processes. A real-world example shows how this approach helped an automotive company build a high-performance, scalable analytics solution at a lower cost by utilizing fit-for-purpose technologies like Apache HBase and Amazon S3.


Automate Deployment of Amazon QuickSight Assets with AWS Step Functions and QuickSight Asset Bundle APIs

Business intelligence (BI) teams aim to automate Amazon QuickSight asset deployment across environments. CyberCX developed a solution using AWS Step Functions to orchestrate exporting QuickSight analyses from one environment and importing them to another, simplifying migration. This reusable module integrates with CyberCX’s broader serverless data platform but can standalone. The entire solution is designed with security in mind and follows the principles of least privilege access.


TextRay from Systems Limited is a Solution on AWS for Extracting Information from Scanned Documents

TextRay is an information extraction solution that automatically extracts data from scanned documents using deep learning models. It leverages AWS services to provide a scalable and cost-effective way to process documents while reducing errors and turnaround time. An AWS CloudFormation template simplifies deployment, while a pre-trained base model demonstrates TextRay’s precision in extracting tabular and form data into structured CSV outputs.


Unify Analytics Leveraging Amazon Athena and Teradata for Robust Query Federation

The Amazon Athena Teradata Connector enables Athena to query data in Teradata Vantage using SQL, and comprises two AWS Lambda functions for metadata and record reading. This post describes deploying the connector, creating a Lambda layer for the Teradata JDBC driver, and running queries on Teradata from Athena, including a federated query joining Teradata and S3 data. This provides a scalable, serverless way to analyze data across different data stores without data duplication.


How to Import and Manage AWS Networking with Terraform and ControlMonkey

Using the AWS console to manage cloud infrastructure can be convenient and user-friendly, especially for beginners or small projects. Yet, it also carries inherent challenges when used at scale. In this post, we will dive deep into how ControlMonkey can assist you with transitioning manually-created environments to an Infrastructure as Code approach, integrating seamlessly with GitOps and Hashicorp Terraform.

How to Build a Real-Time Analytics Platform Using Amazon Aurora and ThoughtSpot

Learn how to connect the ThoughtSpot analytics platform to an Amazon Aurora MySQL database for real-time operational analytics. This post outlines the steps to create an Aurora MySQL instance, populate it with sample data, create a connection from ThoughtSpot, and build generative AI-powered analytics using natural language search. By integrating ThoughtSpot and Aurora MySQL, businesses can get instant insights from their transactional database.


How to Enable Secure Self-Service Amazon EKS Cluster Provisioning with ArgoCD, Kyverno, and Nirmata Policy Manager

Containers are a leading method for packaging applications, with Kubernetes emerging as the top orchestration solution. You can enable secure and efficient self-service cluster provisioning on Amazon EKS using open-source tools like AWS Controllers for Kubernetes (ACK), Kyverno, and ArgoCD. This post demonstrates how enterprises can leverage these tools along with Nirmata’s Policy Manager to streamline EKS cluster management, apply security policies, and ensure compliance in a Kubernetes environment.