AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog



How Wipro-Nuage Helps Silicon Companies Migrate Design Workloads to AWS Cost Efficiently

Silicon design companies require huge compute and storage needs to run their electronic design automation (EDA) workloads. Learn about the business and process challenges of silicon design companies and how Nuage, Wipro’s smart orchestrator solution built on AWS, can help accelerate silicon design and time to market. Nuage can do this through prediction and optimization by leveraging the near infinite compute, storage, and other resources available on AWS.

Chaos Gears-AWS-Partners

Building a Multi-Region Solution for Auto Recovery of Amazon EC2 Instances Using AWS CDK and AWS Step Functions

Learn about a multi-regional first-line of support solution Chaos Gears put together using a serverless application running AWS Lambda under the baton of AWS Step Functions to relieve a customer’s engineers from some of their operational burdens. The approach described in this post can be adapted to serve other needs or cover different cases, as AWS Step Functions’ visual workflows allow for a quick translation of business requirements to technical ones.


Preventing Malware in Serverless Web Applications with SophosLabs Intelix

Building web applications in a serverless environment has brought many advantages, but with every big shift there are certain practices such as malware protection that need to be reinvented. Organizations need a solution that’s easy to query from web application via API with no infrastructure required. Learn how SophosLabs Intelix offers a suite of APIs which provide specific, actionable intelligence about files.


CoDetect: A Serverless AI-Powered Web App for Detecting Medical Conditions in CT Scans

DXC Technology created a serverless artificial intelligence-powered solution called CoDetect to help detect manifestations of COVID-19 (and other medical conditions) in CT scans. Learn about the AWS services DXC chose for this solution, and explore two functional use cases that demonstrate the benefits of DXC’s CoDetect design and implementation approach. CoDetect is a web-based app that allows end users to submit CT scan studies for an AI model analysis.


How AWS Machine Learning Services Increase Medical Coding Accuracy and Efficiency

Medical coding helps providers maintain patient records and obtain reimbursement for services. Unfortunately, the process is complicated, time-consuming, and prone to error. Learn how ClearScale developed a solution that increases the efficiency and accuracy of the coding process. Powered by AWS Machine Learning, the application translates recorded medical appointment notes, and uses the information to generate more accurate medical codes.