AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Batch


How to Use Matillion Data Loader for Batch Loading Data to Amazon Redshift Serverless

Amazon Redshift Serverless makes it easier to run and scale analytics without the burden of managing infrastructure. Learn how you can use Matillion Data Loader to extract data from source systems and load it to Amazon Redshift Serverless without having to worry about coding or managing infrastructure. Matillion Data Loader enables organizations that have data coming in from an ever-increasing number of sources and need faster, simpler access to insights and analytics.


Modernize Legacy Batch Job Platform Using Event-Driven Cloud-Native Architecture

Large enterprise customers depend heavily on commercial off the shelf (COTS) products for scheduling jobs or running batch jobs, but these COTS products are often not cloud-native which prevents them from taking advantage of the various cloud services. Learn how Resolution Life US collaborated with Cognizant and AWS to modernize its on-premises third-party enterprise job scheduler with an event-driven custom scheduler solution using Amazon FSx, AWS Step Functions, Amazon EventBridge, and AWS Lambda.


Cognizant’s Optimized Approach to Modernize Batch Implementations on AWS

Enterprise customers are modernizing existing workloads to cloud for various reasons. Cost optimization has always been a conversation starter, but that leads to application modernization and operational excellence, which brings agility to application development and enables faster GTM. Learn how Cognizant can help bridge the gap between the infrastructure-as-a-service and integration-platform-as-a-service platform models for modernizing batch processing applications on AWS.


Optimizing Supply Chains Through Intelligent Revenue and Supply Chain (IRAS) Management

Fragmented supply-chain management systems can impair an enterprise’s ability to make informed, timely decisions. Accenture’s Intelligent Revenue and Supply Chain (IRAS) platform integrates insights generated by machine learning models into an enterprise’s technical and business ecosystems. This post explains how Accenture’s IRAS solution is architected, how it can coexist with other ML forecasting models or statistical packages, and how you can consume its insights in an integrated way.

Heimdall Data_AWS Solutions

Improving Application Performance with No Code Changes Using Heimdall’s Database Proxy for Amazon Redshift

Rewriting an application code for performance optimization generally requires a significant amount of effort. Also, IT and development groups using third-party applications like Tableau may not have access to the application code. Heimdall’s database proxy solution offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative to rewriting your application for performance and scale. Heimdall transparently provides SQL control and visibility to the application owner without (re)writing a single line of code.

How Oil & Gas is Solving Technological Limitations of Complex Reservoir Simulation with CMG and AWS

Oil and gas companies are looking beyond “easy oil” to unlock resources from more complex reservoirs. To solve this growing challenge, organizations are turning to AWS to maximize computational capacities. Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG) is an APN Technology Partner whose revolutionary cloud solution provides engineers with faster simulation runs, giving them time to focus on reservoir and project analysis.


How to Migrate Mainframe Batch to Cloud Microservices with AWS Blu Age

While modernizing customer mainframes, the team at AWS Blu Age discovered that Batch can be a complex aspect of a mainframe migration to AWS. It’s critical to design your AWS architecture to account for the key Batch stringent performance requirements such as intensive I/Os, large datasets, and short durations. Let’s explore how to migrate mainframe Batch to AWS microservices using AWS Blu Age automated transformation technology.