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Tag: ETL


How SnapLogic eXtreme Helps Visualize Spark ETL Pipelines on Amazon EMR

Fully managed cloud services enable global enterprises to focus on strategic differentiators versus maintaining infrastructure. They do this by creating data lakes and performing big data processing in the cloud. SnapLogic eXtreme allows citizen integrators, those who can’t code, and data integrators to efficiently support and augment data-integration use cases by performing complex transformations on large volumes of data. Learn how to set up SnapLogic eXtreme and use Amazon EMR to do Amazon Redshift ETL.

How Kloia Helped GoDataFeed Modernize Monolithic .NET Applications with AWS Serverless

Many enterprises have .NET Framework legacy applications they need modernize and convert to cloud-native. One of the largest product feed automation and optimization platforms, GoDataFeed has a back-end platform that ingests millions of items of catalog data from multiple sources. Learn how Kloia addressed GoDataFeed’s challenges by transforming their legacy .NET Framework monolithic application into a .NET Core-based decoupled architecture.


Optimizing Supply Chains Through Intelligent Revenue and Supply Chain (IRAS) Management

Fragmented supply-chain management systems can impair an enterprise’s ability to make informed, timely decisions. Accenture’s Intelligent Revenue and Supply Chain (IRAS) platform integrates insights generated by machine learning models into an enterprise’s technical and business ecosystems. This post explains how Accenture’s IRAS solution is architected, how it can coexist with other ML forecasting models or statistical packages, and how you can consume its insights in an integrated way.


How Mactores Tripled Performance by Migrating from Oracle to Amazon Redshift with Zero Downtime

Mactores used a five-step approach to migrate, with zero downtime, a large manufacturing company from an Oracle on-premises data warehouse to Amazon Redshift. The result was lower total cost of ownership and triple the performance for dependent business processes and reports. The migration tripled the customer’s performance of reports, dashboards, and business processes, and lowered TCO by 30 percent. Data refresh rates dropped from 48 hours to three hours.

Running SQL on Amazon Athena to Analyze Big Data Quickly and Across Regions

Data is the lifeblood of a digital business and a key competitive advantage for many companies holding large amounts of data in multiple cloud regions. Imperva protects web applications and data assets, and in this post we examine how you can use SQL to analyze big data directly, or to pre-process the data for further analysis by machine learning. You’ll also learn about the benefits and limitations of using SQL, and see examples of clustering and data extraction.

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How to Use Amazon SageMaker to Improve Machine Learning Models for Data Analysis

Amazon SageMaker provides all the components needed for machine learning in a single toolset. This allows ML models to get to production faster with much less effort and at lower cost. Learn about the data modeling process used by BizCloud Experts and the results they achieved for Neiman Marcus. Amazon SageMaker was employed to help develop and train ML algorithms for recommendation, personalization, and forecasting models that Neiman Marcus uses for data analysis and customer insights.


How to Use Xplenty with AWS KMS to Provide Field-Level Encryption in ETL Data Processing

Enterprises often choose to mask, remove, or encrypt sensitive data in the ETL step to minimize the risk of sensitive data becoming stored, logged, accessible, or breached from their data lake or data warehouse. Xplenty’s ETL and ELT platform allows customers to quickly and easily prepare their data for analytics using a simple-to-use data integration cloud service. Xplenty’s global service uses AWS KMS to create and control the keys used to encrypt or digitally sign your data.


Improving Dataset Query Time and Maintaining Flexibility with Amazon Athena and Amazon Redshift

Analyzing large datasets can be challenging, especially if you aren’t thinking about certain characteristics of the data and what you’re ultimately looking to achieve. There are a number of factors organizations need to consider in order to build systems that are flexible, affordable, and fast. Here, experts from CloudZero walk through how to use AWS services to analyze customer billing data and provide value to end users.