AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Microservices


Transitioning Mainframe Workloads into Agile Services with AWS and Micro Focus

Increasing the agility of mainframe workloads is critical for organizations processing core-business processes and data on mainframes. Together, AWS and Micro Focus can help you accelerate the transition to agile services with a tool-based evolutionary approach, avoiding the expensive, risky, and slow rip-and-replace approach. Learn about the overall approach to agility and detail the transitions and Micro Focus tools for transforming mainframe workloads into agile services on AWS.

Using Amazon AppFlow to Achieve Bi-Directional Sync Between Salesforce and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

Many SaaS applications boast of microservices as a means to divide a monolithic architecture into easily manageable solutions. Sometimes these microservices have their own databases. To maintain data consistency across the system, you need to implement a data synchronization system between source and target data persistence layers. Learn how Trantor has developed a solution using Amazon AppFlow to easily synchronize the data between Salesforce and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL in near real-time.


One Thousand Orders Per Minute: Peak Retail Planning and Architecture from VTEX and Grupo Éxito

In Colombia, Grupo Éxito has been using VTEX’s marketplace platform capabilities to allow more than 1,000 retailers to connect and sell their products, extend their reach, and ease customer access to an extensive variety of products in a single place. Together with other features such as VTEX Intelligent Search (a fine-tuning search system), Éxito has received positive feedback by making the migration from Oracle ATG to VTEX. They have also experienced continuous improvements, culminating with the Día sin IVA series.


Isolating SaaS Tenants with Dynamically Generated IAM Policies

Many SaaS organizations leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define a series of policies and roles that can be used to ensure tenants are not allowed to cross tenant boundaries when accessing resources. To make this work, you have to create separate policies for each tenant which can create an explosion of tenant policies that push the account limits of IAM. Learn how dynamic policy generation creates a more scalable and manageable isolation experience.

How to Build a Real-Time Gaming Leaderboard with Amazon DynamoDB and Rockset

For microservices that predominantly write data, Amazon DynamoDB provides an “always on” experience without the need for careful capacity planning, resharding, and database maintenance. These capabilities make DynamoDB a popular database service for various parts of game platforms like player data, game state, session history, and leaderboards. Learn how to pair Amazon DynamoDB with an analytics solution like Rockset to automatically index your data for fast search, aggregations, and joins at scale.

Minimizing the PCI Compliance Burden Using Containerization, Microservices, and AWS

Leveraging cloud-based microservices is not a solution that works for everyone or every application, but it’s one more point in favor of transitioning legacy applications to microservices. If you’re already looking to re-architect, consider it an opportunity to spin out regulated data into separate containers. From there, it’s not much more effort to move those containers to AWS. Learn how AWS technologies can help organizations reduce their Payment Card Industry (PCI) compliance burden.


Monitoring Microservice-Based Cloud Applications Using Distributed Tracing

As application complexity increases, the debugging process in production environments gets more complicated as well. AWS understands this challenge and includes tracing tools in its cloud services. For instance, AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. Epsagon specializes in automated tracing for cloud microservices, providing automated end-to-end tracing across not distributed AWS services.


How Behalf Met its Streaming Data Scaling Demands with Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka

To be a successful fintech startup, companies have to build solutions fast so the business can achieve its goals. However, you can’t compromise on security, reliability, or support. As an AWS Financial Services Competency Partner, Behalf is committed to delivering reliable, secure, low-cost payment processing and credit options to business customers. Learn how Behalf chose Amazon MSK to meet its increasing streaming data needs in a reliable and cost-efficient manner.

How to Simplify AWS Monitoring with’s Fully Managed ELK Stack and Grafana

Building scalable, resilient, and secure metrics and logging pipelines with the ELK Stack and Grafana requires engineering time and expertise. The Cloud Observability Platform delivers both as a fully-managed service so engineers can use the open source monitoring tools they know on a single solution, without the hassle of maintaining them at scale. provides advanced analytics to make the ELK Stack and Grafana faster, more integrated, and easier to use.

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Migrating Applications from Monolithic to Microservice on AWS

As cloud becomes the new normal, many businesses want to use its potential to improve their customer experience. Organizations all around the world are using the breadth and depth of AWS services to become more cloud-native. APN Partner Tech Mahindra helped Telia use AWS to modernize their customer information management (CIM) platform from monolithic to microservice for flexibility and scalability. Telia is a Europe-based telecom provider with 20,000 employees serving millions of customers across the globe.