AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Single Sign-On


Securing AWS Accounts with Azure Active Directory Federation

With AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS provides a central way to manage user identities and permissions. However, creating and managing the lifecycle of IAM users in AWS can be time-consuming. This post explores how to authenticate users against Azure AD for access to one or multiple AWS accounts using SAML federation. Additionally, it includes a walkthrough on how to setup the federation across Azure AD and multiple AWS accounts.


Intelligent Case Management Using Amazon Connect and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

There is a flurry of contact center solutions being brought to market, but enterprise customers often find these solutions time-consuming, cost-intensive, and difficult to implement. Learn how to integrate an Amazon Connect instance with Salesforce Service Cloud to automatically create a case in Salesforce using REST APIs and Amazon Kinesis Data Streams. This allows you to proactively handles call drops occurring for customers when they dial into a contact center solution.


Implementing SAML AuthN for Amazon EMR Using Okta and Column-Level AuthZ with AWS Lake Formation

As organizations continue to build data lakes on AWS and adopt Amazon EMR, especially when consuming data at enterprise scale, it’s critical to govern your data lakes by establishing federated access and having fine-grained controls to access your data. Learn how to implement SAML-based authentication (AuthN) using Okta for Amazon EMR, querying data using Zeppelin notebooks, and applying column-level authorization (AuthZ) using AWS Lake Formation.