AWS Architecture Blog

Category: AWS Well-Architected Framework

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Accelerating Well-Architected Framework reviews using integrated AWS Trusted Advisor insights

In this blog, we will explain how the new AWS Well-Architected integration with AWS Trusted Advisor can give you insights to accelerate your cloud optimization. Customers that have the most success in their cloud adoption recognize that optimizing their cloud architecture and operations is not a one-time effort. Optimization is a continuous improvement virtuous cycle […]

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Announcing updates to the AWS Well-Architected Framework

We are excited to announce the availability of improved AWS Well-Architected Framework content. In this update, we have made changes across all six pillars of the framework: Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, and Sustainability. A brief history The Well-Architected Framework is a collection of best practices that allow customers to evaluate and […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Designing Well-Architected systems

Amazon’s CTO Werner Vogels says, “Everything fails, all the time”. This means we should design with failure in mind and assume that something unpredictable could happen. The AWS Well-Architected Framework is designed to help you prepare your workload for failure. It describes key concepts, design principles, and architectural best practices for designing and running workloads […]

Solution components and workflow steps

Use templated answers to perform Well-Architected reviews at scale

For larger customers, performing AWS Well-Architected (AWS WA) Framework reviews often involves a combination of different teams. Coordinating participants from each team in order to perform a review increases the time taken and is expensive. In a large organization, there are often hundreds of AWS accounts where teams can store review documents, which means there […]

ML lifecycle

Optimize AI/ML workloads for sustainability: Part 3, deployment and monitoring

We’re celebrating Earth Day 2022 from 4/22 through 4/29 with posts that highlight how to build, maintain, and refine your workloads for sustainability. AWS estimates that inference (the process of using a trained machine learning [ML] algorithm to make a prediction) makes up 90 percent of the cost of an ML model. Given with AWS you […]

Resilience Hub assessment of the multi-AZ architecture after incorporating data backup features

Building Resilient Well-Architected Workloads Using AWS Resilience Hub

AWS Resilience Hub is a new service that helps you understand and improve the resiliency of your workloads using AWS Well-Architected best practices. As the lead for the Reliability Pillar of AWS Well-Architected, I am eager to share with you how you can use Resilience Hub to ensure your workload architecture is as reliable as […]

Figure 1. Well-Architected Machine Learning Lifecycle

Introducing the new AWS Well-Architected Machine Learning Lens

The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides you with a formal approach to compare your workloads against best practices. It also includes guidance on how to make improvements. Machine learning (ML) algorithms discover and learn patterns in data, and construct mathematical models to predict future data. These solutions can revolutionize lives through better diagnoses of diseases, environmental […]

Game day reference architecture example

Build Your Own Game Day to Support Operational Resilience

Operational resilience is your firm’s ability to provide continuous service through people, processes, and technology that are aware of and adaptive to constant change. Downtime of your mission-critical applications can not only damage your reputation, but can also make you liable to multi-million-dollar financial fines. One way to test operational resilience is to simulate life-like […]

DR implementation architecture on multi-Region active-passive workloads

Implementing Multi-Region Disaster Recovery Using Event-Driven Architecture

In this blog post, we share a reference architecture that uses a multi-Region active/passive strategy to implement a hot standby strategy for disaster recovery (DR). We highlight the benefits of performing DR failover using event-driven, serverless architecture, which provides high reliability, one of the pillars of AWS Well Architected Framework. With the multi-Region active/passive strategy, your workloads […]

Feedback Loop based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework Review

Establishing Feedback Loops Based on the AWS Well-Architected Framework Review

The AWS Well-Architected Framework helps customers build a secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient infrastructure for their applications and workloads. The Well-Architected (WA) Tool was introduced in 2018 to help customers assess their workloads against the best practices defined by the AWS Well-Architected Framework. The report of an AWS Well-Architected Tool self-assessment gives recommendations on improvements […]