AWS Architecture Blog
Category: Advanced (300)
Pilot light with reserved capacity: How to optimize DR cost using On-Demand Capacity Reservations
In this post, we explore an intermediate strategy between the pilot light and the warm standby strategies: pilot light with reserved capacity. You can use this strategy to reserve compute capacity in a secondary Region while also limiting cost.
Transform lease agreement workflows with Amazon Bedrock
This post explores how Amazon Bedrock can transform property management operations and optimize costs. We examine a practical approach to tackle challenges such as processing high volumes of lease agreements, maintaining compliance with varied regulatory requirements.
Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 2
In Part 1 of this blog series, we demonstrated why tiering and throttling become necessary at scale for multi-tenant REST APIs, and explored tiering strategy and throttling with Amazon API Gateway. In this post, Part 2, we will examine tenant isolation strategies at scale with API Gateway and extend the sample code from Part 1. […]
Throttling a tiered, multi-tenant REST API at scale using API Gateway: Part 1
Many software-as-a-service (SaaS) providers adopt throttling as a common technique to protect a distributed system from spikes of inbound traffic that might compromise reliability, reduce throughput, or increase operational cost. Multi-tenant SaaS systems have an additional concern of fairness; excessive traffic from one tenant needs to be selectively throttled without impacting the experience of other […]
Use AWS Step Functions to Monitor Services Choreography
Organizations frequently need access to quick visual insight on the status of complex workflows. This involves collaboration across different systems. If your customer requires assistance on an order, you need an overview of the fulfillment process, including payment, inventory, dispatching, packaging, and delivery. If your products are expensive assets such as cars, you must track […]
Scale Up Language Detection with Amazon Comprehend and S3 Batch Operations
Organizations have been collecting text data for years. Text data can help you intelligently address a range of challenges, from customer experience to analytics. These mixed language, unstructured datasets can contain a wealth of information within business documents, emails, and webpages. If you’re able to process and interpret it, this information can provide insight that […]
Running a Cost-effective NLP Pipeline on Serverless Infrastructure at Scale
Amenity Analytics develops enterprise natural language processing (NLP) platforms for the finance, insurance, and media industries that extract critical insights from mountains of documents. We provide a scalable way for businesses to get a human-level understanding of information from text. In this blog post, we will show how Amenity Analytics improved the continuous integration (CI) […]
Designing a High-volume Streaming Data Ingestion Platform Natively on AWS
The total global data storage is projected to exceed 200 zettabytes by 2025. This exponential growth of data demands increased vigilance against cybercrimes. Emerging cybersecurity trends include increasing service attacks, ransomware, and critical infrastructure threats. Businesses are changing how they approach cybersecurity and are looking for new ways to tackle these threats. In the past, […]
Serverless Architecture for a Structured Data Mining Solution
Many businesses have an essential need for structured data stored in their own database for business operations and offerings. For example, a company that produces electronics may want to store a structured dataset of parts. This requires the following properties: color, weight, connector type, and more. This data may already be available from external sources. […]
Disaster Recovery (DR) for a Third-party Interactive Voice Response on AWS
Voice calling systems are prevalent and necessary to many businesses today. They are usually designed to provide a 24×7 helpline support across multiple domains and use cases. Reliability and availability of such systems are important for a good customer experience. The thoughtful design of a cost-optimized solution will allow your business to sustain the system […]