AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Intermediate (200)

Figure 1. High-level architecture pattern for automating chaos engineering

Chaos Testing with AWS Fault Injection Simulator and AWS CodePipeline

The COVID-19 pandemic has proven to be the largest stress test of our technology infrastructures in generations. A meteoric increase in internet consumption followed, due in large part to working and schooling from home. The chaotic, early months of the pandemic have clearly demonstrated the value of resiliency in production. How can we better prepare […]

Figure 6. Architecture overview

Build a Virtual Waiting Room with Amazon DynamoDB and AWS Lambda at SeatGeek

As retail sales, products, and customers continue to expand online, we’ve seen a trend towards releasing products in limited quantities to larger audiences. Demand of these products can be high, due to limited production capacity, venue capacity limits, or product exclusivity. Providers can then experience spikes in transaction volume, especially when multiple event sales occur […]

Figure 1. Notional architecture for improving forecasting accuracy solution and SAP integration

Improving Retail Forecast Accuracy with Machine Learning

The global retail market continues to grow larger and the influx of consumer data increases daily. The rise in volume, variety, and velocity of data poses challenges with demand forecasting and inventory planning. Outdated systems generate inaccurate demand forecasts. This results in multiple challenges for retailers. They are faced with over-stocking and lost sales, and […]

Figure 2. Fraud detection using machine learning architecture on AWS

Analyze Fraud Transactions using Amazon Fraud Detector and Amazon Athena

Organizations with online businesses have to be on guard constantly for fraudulent activity, such as fake accounts or payments made with stolen credit cards. One way they try to identify fraudsters is by using fraud detection applications. Some of these applications use machine learning (ML). A common challenge with ML is the need for a […]

Figure 1. Validation system for data classification

Using Amazon Macie to Validate S3 Bucket Data Classification

Securing sensitive information is a high priority for organizations for many reasons. At the same time, organizations are looking for ways to empower development teams to stay agile and innovative. Centralized security teams strive to create systems that align to the needs of the development teams, rather than mandating how those teams must operate. Security […]

Figure 2: AI Factory high-level architecture

ERGO Breaks New Frontiers for Insurance with AI Factory on AWS

This post is co-authored with Piotr Klesta, Robert Meisner and Lukasz Luszczynski of ERGO Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies are already finding applications in our homes, cars, industries, and offices. The insurance business is no exception to this. When AI is implemented correctly, it adds a major competitive advantage. It enhances the decision-making process, […]

Figure 1. Architecture diagram depicting enterprise vertical integration with Amazon EventBridge

Vertical Integration Strategy Powered by Amazon EventBridge

Over the past few years, midsize and large enterprises have adopted vertical integration as part of their strategy to optimize operations and profitability. Vertical integration consists of separating different stages of the production line from other related departments, such as marketing and logistics. Enterprises implement such strategy to gain full control of their value chain: from the […]

Figure 1. Data pipeline that cleans, processes, and segments data

How Financial Institutions can use AWS to Address Regulatory Reporting

Since the 2008 financial crisis, banking supervisory institutions such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) have strengthened regulations. There is now increased oversight over the financial services industry. For banks, making the necessary changes to comply with these rules is a challenging, multi-year effort. Basel IV, a massive update to existing rules, is […]

Figure 1. Centralized inspection architecture with AWS Network Firewall and imported rules

Integrate AWS Network Firewall with your ISV Firewall Rulesets

You may have requirements to leverage on-premises firewall technology in AWS by using your existing firewall implementation. As you move these workloads to AWS or launch new ones, you may replicate your existing on-premises firewall architecture. In this case, you can run partner appliances such as Palo Alto and Fortinet firewall appliances on Amazon EC2 […]

Figure 2. Cloud playout system

Overon (Mediapro Group): World-class Audiovisual Production Center on AWS

Every evening, millions of people sit on their couch looking for entertainment. Switching on a device is easy, but what really happens behind the scenes? How is your favorite content prepared so you can see it through your chosen streaming apps, TV channels or websites? The challenge that media companies face today is huge, as […]